Chapter 20

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This chapter is a bit longer, more y/n Seb fluff coming ^.^

Sebastian POV

I'm pacing back and forth in the Room of Requirement, reading a book I grabbed from one of the tallest shelves in the room.

It's quite intriguing, nothing I could have ever found in the Restricted Section surely. It's a book on medieval magic that I surprisingly have never read before. I wonder how many unobtainable
books are hidden away in here. I would have to revisit it, because I'm entirely distracted with the return of y/n. Where is she. It's been hours since she left to meet with Sharp. She didn't exactly give me a time frame, but I didn't expect her to be gone this long either.

I'm trying not to drive myself mad. The same protective instincts are what drove me into insanity trying to help Anne..

I haven't heard a word from Anne since the day she left with Solomon's body. Ominis told me he hadn't been able to reach her either, though a part of me couldn't help but wonder if that was entirely true. I felt horrible questioning his loyalty after all I put him through, the secret he caries about the real reason for Solomon's death and all the turmoil I caused leading up to it. So I don't press it any further.

It pains me so much to know she is somewhere out there, fighting just to make it through each day.

Y/n defeated Rookwood for good, blasting him to smithereens with her ancient magic. However I'm still filled with fiery rage towards him. For hurting Anne and for hurting y/n. I wish I would've been the one to kill him, I wish she would've left him for me.

Often times I find myself forcing those dark thoughts out of my head. I owe it to them both to become a better man. One that can protect them, the right way. And hurt them no longer. If only I knew where Anne was. Maybe I could show her how much I've changed, and make things right. Maybe y/n and Ominis could vouch for me.. I miss her so much.

I sigh, knowing I'm not obtaining any of this book's information. I shut it, "Wingardium Leviosa." I say as I lift the book to return it to it's high shelf above me. I give up trying to stay busy and saunter down the stairs to the extended rooms below, stopping right before a certain green couch.

For a second I stand there, taking in the sight where y/n and I made love for the first time. Remembering how tight she felt around me, her beautiful body, hearing her moan and her magic filling the room around us when we finished in unison.

That damn magic. I love it for her, she's unbelievably brilliant. And it's something to behold to see her wield it in combat. However to witness the way it's grown in power and is now vexing her, I've somewhat grown to resent it.

I flop down onto the couch, covering my face with my hands. I'm breathing deeply trying to relax from my worries. Before I know it, I fall asleep.

I'm just barely coming to in my head as I feel weighted warmth lying on top of me. Along with the scent of lavender and mint, with more earthy undertones from the outdoors. I inch my head down forward to kiss the top of hers.

"There's my girl." I muffle into her hair, still groggy from waking up. Y/n stirs slowly, slightly wincing. Is she in pain? She rests her palm on my chest and settles her chin on it.

"Morning. Or good afternoon." She says with a scratchy voice, her face is drained of color and her eyes look exhausted. My worry creeps back to me.

"Are you alright? What happened?" I ask, trying to control my voice so it's calm and gentle with her.

She makes an offended face at me, smiling she says, "Do I look that ghastly, Sebastian?"

I lift my hand to the right side of her face and brush it with my knuckles in soothing strokes. "Beautiful as ever." I reply softly. She blushes and I'm instantly relieved to see the color back on her face.

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