99. The End

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Or is it really???


"Oh my goodness."

You said between gasps, dabbing your handkerchief between each eye as you attempted to catch all your tears.

"I thought I'd be used to this." You hummed, looking down to try and hide your tear stricken face.

Shirabu softly exhaled, placing his hand over yours as he softly rubbed it with his thumb.

You glanced up at him, meeting his eye as he gave you a small, curt smile. The corners of his eyes daring to overflow with tears.

You breathed in, dabbing up the last of your tears as you sat up, moving to hold Shirabu's hand as you gave it a small squeeze, both of you looking back to the stage.

"Class three..."

You pressed your lips together, looking at the students walking up. Ushijima, Mori, and Okada included in them.

They lined up below the stage, one by one walking up the stage.

The first to be called up being.

"Yamagata Hayato."

You clapped at his name, watching him walk down the steps as he breathed out in relief, looking over at Tendou and Semi and smiling as he pointed at his diploma.

The string of names continued to be called out in the back, one by one, each of the seniors walked across the stage.

Ushijima walked across, stoic as ever.

Then Okada, and Mori.



They all walked across, one by one receiving their diploma.

You sighed, standing at the end of the path as the cherry blossoms moved with the wind.

The branches swayed side to side, away from the tree before falling back to their original placement.

The occasional leaf that was pulled away followed the twists and turns of the breeze as it gently flowed across the pathway, falling on the families and friends of the graduates.

You looked across the path, the guys were on one side, as the girls were on the other.

You took a deep breath, walking towards your team as you met Okada's eyes.

"Kawa!" She smiled brightly, meeting you halfway as she hugged you tightly. "Look who's all here." She hummed, turning to look back as you followed her stare, last year's starters staring right back at you.

"Little Bunny~"

"Yuri-san?" You gaped, not expecting to see last year's third years here.

Nakamoto hummed, pinching your cheek as you deadpanned at her.

"You're as cute as ever, I see." She softly giggled, turning to look at Nakayama as she walked up to the both of you, smiling softly.

"Hello again, Oika-chan." She smiled down at you, softly huffing when you threw yourself at her and hugged her tightly, momentarily pushing the air out of her.

She softly snickered, patting your back as she hugged you back, stepping back when you did as she gave you another warm smile.

"How're you holding up?" She asked, looking over at Mori and Okada as you followed.

They both smiled brightly, posing for pictures with their families, family friends, and their own friends.

You softly smiled, looking back at Nakayama as Nakamoto walked up to stand beside the both of you, not blocking your view of one another.

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang