9. Oikawa Cuisine

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"Yea, she kept glaring at me all through pick up too!" You told Tōru as you stuffed rice into your mouth.

"She didn't say anything?" Hajime pipped in, his parents were on a business trip so he'd be staying at the Oikawa's for a couple days. He was old enough to stay home alone but he'd never pass up a chance to have some Mamma Oikawa cuisine.

"I think she was gonna tell me something but I bolted towards the front gates when I finished putting away the net." You shrugged at Hajime.

"Maybe she's jealous of our Y/N-chan's good looks!" Tōru said as he (lightly) slammed a fist on the table.

"Or maybe she sees her as an enemy!" Takeru piped in from the corner of the table.

"What do you mean Takeru?"

"Uncle Tōru said that him and Kageyama-san were enemies cuz they're both setters."

You and Hajime turned towards Tōru and gave him a blank expression.

"I-It's not what it sounds like-"

Tōru tried waving us off as Fumiko-nee spoke up.

"Maybe he's right. Didn't you say this Kikochu girl plays as an outside hitter too, little bunny?"

"Kikuchi, but yea she does."

"Well you were scouted, and you come from a volleyball powerhouse Junior High."

"I bet she thinks you'll take her spot little bunny."

Tōru smirked at you before leaning back into his chair.

"Mmm, maybe. The vice captain's a wing spiker too so she'll most likely take one of the outside hitter spots."

You hummed, thinking back on the fact that you don't remember her name either.

"See, you also got scouted so the chances for that spot seem to be in your favor."

Tōru added before digging back into his plate.

"Just because I was scouted it doesn't guarantee me a spot as a regular"

"First years can become regulars at powerhouse schools too little bunny"

Hajime added as he nudged at Tōru who kept stealing from his plate.

"I know, but Kaneko-chan was also scouted and it isn't very likely for her to be the regular setter because one of the third years is also a setter."

"In that case it'd be harder to steal a third years spot, but it isn't for you to steal it from a second year."

Tōru shrugged.

"You got this auntie!" Takeru yelled out with a fist in the air causing the table to erupt into giggles.

"I got this, Takeru" I told him as I showed him a closed fist and patted his head.

"Oh my! Look at the time! It's too late to send you three walking back to Shiratorizawa, guess you'll have to stay here little bunny." Mom sighed after looking at the clock.

You gave her a blank look, "We have like three cars."

"They don't have gas"

You deadpanned at your dad who had casually added that last statement as he lifted the rice into his mouth.

"I think Fumiko-nee's might, she always puts some in on the night before so she won't have to in the morning." You sighed as your turned towards Fumiko.

"I forgot to do that today." She answered, sending you a wink as she stuck her tongue out, putting her hand up into a peace sign.

"I don't have any pajamas here"

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt