77. Like and Subscribe

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"Hey, vlog."

You said with a monotone voice, looking into the camera you had just bought as it recorded your every move.

"Today, we're doing a school vlog. Why a school vlog? Because I'm hoping all my hot friends will get me subscribers." You nodded, setting the camera down on the kitchen island.

"So the first step is to pack my lunch for today." You said, putting your hands up as you waved them around a bit. "Why am I packing lunch you ask?" You said, slightly moving out of frame to get your lunch bag, revealing the luxurious decorations your mother had in her kitchen. "Because I used up all my allowance to buy a camera and now I'm broke."

You shrugged, coming back into frame with your beige lunchbox with small food designs in one hand and bento box in your other.

"It is six in the morning." You said, reaching up to show the time on your smart watch. "And the only people awake at ass o'clock in the morning are-"

"Bunny? Why're you up so early?" Your brother asked, walking into the kitchen as he pat his hair dry. He was wearing a solid colored t-shirt and some basketball shorts Iwaizumi had made him buy a while ago.

"Me and Nii-chan." You finished, looking back at your camera as Tooru slowly approached you.

"Are you making a video?" He asked, peeking at your reflection from the camera monitor.

You nodded. "I'm a vlogger now, this is my first vlog."

Tooru puffed out a small laugh, humming in amusement when you glared back at him.

"Well hello there bunny-chan's vlog." He chirped, sliding in as he waved hello at the camera. "Like and subscribe!"

You blinked up at him, giggling as he turned to smile softly at you. "Who gave you this idea?"

"Mattsun-san, he told me that you'd be more excited to do stuff when you're being filmed." You answered, scrunching your face when he reached over to ruffle your hair.

"Alright then, good luck with that." He snickered, turning back to the camera as he slightly bent down and smiled widely. "Goodbye, vlog! Make sure to come back for the next video for a chance to see more of me—Bunny's super cool Nii-chan!" He grinned, walking off to reveal you scowling at him from the back.

You shook him off, turning back to the camera and giving it a thumbs up. "So for today's bento..."


"This is hot friend number one." You said, wrapping an arm around Iwaizumi and pulling him in so that he was in frame with you, both of you looking up at the camera you held high above. "He goes by the name Iwaizumi Hajime, code name Haji-Haji."

Iwaizumi sighed, shaking his head as he ignored your antics, turning back to continue talking with Tooru when you let him go.

You brought the camera back down, closing in on it as you dropped your voice to a whisper.

"He's probably the shortest of the batch, coming in at a whopping one hundred seventy nine point three! centimeters." You glanced back at him, slowing down so that the distance between you grew once his icy glare reached your back. "He's also got a bit of an attitude problem but he's strong and, get this, he's got some swag melanin type of stuff going on. Like his skin is tastier than the regular Japanese man's, but his eyes are a dark green! Weird huh."

"Who describes skin as tasty!" Tooru yelled back at you, looking at you in disgust and shame as you deadpanned at him.

"I do, dumbass." You clicked your tongue, turning the camera so it caught his face of utter disgust, snickering when he quickly turned around.

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat