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"You're so mean bunny-chan!" Tendou huffed, glaring at you as you deadpanned at him.

"I'm not going down to Tokyo and missing school to watch you play Tendou-san." You hummed, crossing your arms as you raised a brow at him in amusement.

"Oh but if it was-"

"Are you really not going to come, Y/N-chan?" Ushijima asked, looking at you with his usual stoic expression adorned with a slight downturn of his lips and brows.

"... I'll see what I can do."

"See! Of course you'd say yes to Wakatoshi-kun!" Tendou grumbled, crossing his arms as he looked away with a pout.

"Of course, Waka-san's my favorite afterall." You hummed, smiling up at him as you leaned up against Ushijima.

"Oi, that hurt." Semi hummed, setting a hand over his chest as he gave you a pained expression.

"Wow now Eita-kun, do you have these!" You said, lifting Ushijima's arm and bending it so that his bicep popped out. You reached up, poking the muscle as you glanced between it and Semi.

Semi sighed, carding a hand through his hair as he looked away.


"As I thought!" You hummed, letting Ushijima's arm drop back next to his side as you smiled up at him. "I'll have to ask my parents Waka-san, but I'll see how it goes."

He nodded, reaching up to lightly pat your head as you purred at his touch.

"Oi! Get your lazy asses on the bus and quit dilly daddling!" Washijou snarled, glaring at the trio as he waited for them to get on.

They all visibly tensed up, humming as they said a quick goodbye to you before getting on the bus, Washijou nodding at you once before following after them.

"It kinda sucks how the girls aren't coming this time around." Tendou said, relaxing back into his seat as Ushijima hummed, sending a reply to your text before putting his phone down.

"I'm sure they'll make it for spring nationals." He said, nodding slowly as Tendou hummed.

"We won't be able to see our little bunny for a week, Wakatoshi-kun~"

"It seems like you'll miss her more than she'll miss you."

"Harsh Wakatoshi-kun, harsh~" Tendou cooed, grinning at Ushijima before looking back forward. "We're in for a long ride..."


"Wah~ free at last." Tendou sighed happily, stretching his arms as he hopped off the bus, Ushijima stepping off behind him before moving towards unloading the bags. "Looks like we're in the same hotel as last time, huh Wakatoshi-kun?"

Ushijima hummed, passing Tendou his bag as he threw his own over his shoulder.

"I wonder what other teams will be here this time around!" Tendou hummed, resting his hands on his hips as he looked around. "Do you think the dining-Hah?" Tendou scowled, whipping his head around to look for Semi.

"Semi-semi! Come over here!" He waved him over, pulling him in by his shoulders to quicken his speed before leaning down cheek to cheek with him. "Isn't that the Sakusa kid from bunny-chan's story?"

Semi pushed down his scowl from the closeness of Tendou's face as he squinted towards the way in which Tendou was looking. He immediately caught sight of the bright yellow and green of the Itachiyama tracksuits, a dark curly headed masked player being the first of them.

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