97. Minegishi Minami

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I glanced back, raising a brow at the little green bean trying to get my attention.

"Whaddaya want, Kourai?" I sighed, pushing my headphones back as I stopped to listen to what he had to say.

"First off, drop the attitude you bean pole." He snapped, crossing his arms as he looked at me with a raise of his brow and a pout of his lips. "Second of all, did Oikawa-chan tell you anything about her dating one of the Inarizaki chumps?"

I stuck my hands into my pockets, lost in thought as I tried to think back on any conversation that could allude to Oikawa dating any of them.

Until I remembered the text message that had popped up on her phone when she was showing me a video.

The contact name 'Rinny❤️' displayed in bright letters.

She later explained him to not be her boyfriend though... before going on a rant about how he basically is but without the label.

I looked back down at my cousin, shrugging and nodding at the same time.


"Whaddaya mean maybe?" Kourai scoffed, not even the slightest bit impressed by my answer.

"Well, it's not my business to tell." I shrugged, turning around as I began walking back towards where my team was before I stopped to talk to Hoshiumi.

"Come on, Minami! At least tell me the name." He said, skipping after me as he looked at me with a sly smile.

"That is literally the business I cannot tell?" I sighed, dragging my face down with my palm as I reached back to put my headphones on again, stopping when Kourai ran in front of me. "What?"

"Are you sure they're from Inarizaki? Knowing you, you probably don't even know the names of their players."

I scoffed, crossing my arms as I disagreed. "I know a couple, actually."

"Really?" He asked, still unfazed. "Name some."

I hummed, tapping my finger as I racked my head for names.

"Miya Atsumu, Miya Otsumu-"

"Osamu, dimwit." He cut me off, smiling devilishly so to say I had proved his point.

"That's what I said! Dumbass."

"Nuh-uh." He argued back.

"Yuh-huh!" I scoffed, rolling my eyes at his stupid face as I pushed him aside and kept walking. Kourai just as quickly catching up to me.

"See! What if her little boyfriend doesn't even go to Inarizaki!" He rambled. "He could go to Shiratorizawa, or Itachiyama!" He continued, not letting me put my headphones back on as he continued to match my steps. "What if it's actually Sakusa? Or Komori?!"

I stopped, glaring at Kourai as I snapped back. "Don't be stupid. I know what Sakusa Kiyoomi's and Komori Motoya's names are. And none of them are Rinny so-" I stopped, realizing what I had just said as I looked at Kourai's eyes enlarging, his mouth falling almost comically.

"Suna Rintarou?!" He basically screamed, everyone around us just glaring at him.

I stuttered out a response. "No! I meant, their names just aren't as runny off my tongue you know? It couldn't have possibly been them." I nodded, nervously laughing before taking a big gulp at the unimpressed face he was giving me. "You need to go get your ears checked, seeing as how you can't differentiate between simple vowels old man." I elaborated, trying to play it cool.

"Mhm." Kourai only hummed, smirk presenting as he nodded once and turned around. "I'm gonna go look for Sachirou now."

"Kourai!" I said, trying to grab on to him but to no avail, because before I knew it he was across the hall jogging in my opposite direction.

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