58. Young Miss

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Ahaha, I apologize in advance for my excessive hc. Hope y'all enjoy the chapter :))

"I'm home!"

You called out, letting out a long sigh as you dropped your bags beside you, too tired to keep up practices as you sat on the genkan. You untied your sneakers before switching them for your slippers on the rack besides the genkan, once you had them on you let out another long, painful sigh as you layed back on the floor.

You closed your eyes, breathing deeply as you let the cold from the floor and heat from the air conditioner surround you.

Until you heard multiple pairs of feet reach the living room, splitting to different directions as one walked down the hall towards you, stopping behind your head as their figure cast a shadow over your own.

You slowly cracked an eye open, opening both to look up at Tooru leaning forward, his hair falling straight down as he held a shocking facial expression. One which could threaten his pretty boy status.

You giggled, Tooru stopping as he smiled down at you. "Welcome home Bunny."

You hummed, letting him help you up as you walked to the living room, your mother and father greeting you through the little window before you went around and fully embraced them.

"Go sit down, I'll finish warming this up then we can eat." Your father said, your mother busy making lemonade as you hummed, walking over with Tooru to the dining table as you waited for your meal.

You made small talk with Tooru, soon turning into small talk with your family as your parents sat down after putting out the food, topics switching from school, to sports to business.

"Oh Bunny." Your mother spoke up, chewing the last of her tempura as you looked up at her mid-bite into your zosui. "Your serves were amazing during your games! How many service aces did you end up making?"
You slurped up your soup, chewing down the rice as you thought back on your serves through the games. You shrugged, swallowing the soup as you took a quick sip of water.

"A little over ten?"

"That's amazing! Right honey?" She nudged your father, your father nodding as he slurped on his soup. "You even got to play as a setter too, Tooru couldn't stop bragging when he got back home." Your mother grinned, giggling when Tooru whined for exposing him like that.

You lighty snickered, nodding as you picked up another spoonful of soup. "He said he'd give me money to buy better setting skills." You hummed, looking up at your mother's smile falter as she slapped Tooru's arm, not hard enough to leave a mark but harder than a light pat.


"Ma I was just kidding!" He whined, pouting as your mother continued to grill him about not 'pushing you when you're already down' and how he as an older brother should encourage you instead of making you feel worse.

He nodded along, sneaking a glare up at you every now and then as you grinned at him, your attention redirecting up your father when he cleared his throat. Your mother and Tooru looking at him in curiosity.

"Bunny, I'm taking you to work with me tomorrow."

"Pappa?!" You whined, this time Tooru snickering at you as your mother lighty giggled at your childness, going back to eating her zosui.

"I get you're planning on playing professional volleyball with Tooru in the future, but it wouldn't hurt to be a business owner on the side. Tooru and Fumiko already went through their training, you're the only one left. We've been putting it off on the excuse of you studying and practicing, but the next tournament isn't until June. It's about time you get ready to inherit your part of the company."
You sighed, picking up another spoonful of zosui as you mumbled a small "Yes, Otou-san."

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