41. Luck

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"We're seeded."

You hummed, hearing Kageyama yawn in reply.

"Unlike you, aha." You giggled, hearing him grumble under his breath as your giggling intensified.

"Anyways, I know your game's in like two hours so hurry and get up. I'll be there for your first game and give you the handkerchief I was telling you about."

He hummed, yawning again as you approached the Sendai gyms.

"Alright, see you later. I'm already here."

He hummed, "Good luck." Before hanging up. Leaving you snickering as you entered the building.

You ignored the glances and murmuring around you, suddenly regretting using the Shiratorizawa tracksuit, as you walked up to the stands.

You instantly found the second years, all of them turning to smile at you as Tendou lunged himself at you in a hug.

"It's nice to see you too, Tori-san." You giggled, patting his head as he hummed. Turning up to glare at Shirabu as he walked in from behind you, clicking his tongue.

"You saw each other yesterday, no need to act like it's been months."

"Rude Kenjirou, rude~" Tendou whined, flailing his arms up before setting them down on his hips.

"I'm just excited to see my favorite kouhai." He grinned, leaning forward to set his chin on the crown of your head as you giggled.

"Did you come to watch your brother's game, Y/N-chan?" Semi asked, glaring up at Tendou as he grinned.

You hummed, tapping Tendou's side for him to lift his head. He obliged, stepping back as Semi pat down the top of your hair.

"I should get going actually, he said he wanted to show me something before he started." You shrugged, glancing up at Kawanishi and Shirabu as they nodded.

"See you later senpais~!" You cooed, waving at the second years as they snickered and waved back.




"Aren't you supposed to be watching your brother?" Kawanishi asked, poking your shoulder continuously as you ignored him. You nodded once, leaning further on the railing as you looked down at the team stretching before you.

A specific grey haired fellow catching your attention.

"Quit ogling the poor guy and let's get going." Shirabu sighed, setting a hand on your shoulder as you clicked your tongue.


"What?" Kawanishi asked, deadpanning at you as you grinned at him.

"What's the best way to get that guy to fall head over heels for me?" You pointed at the group of guys stretching, ignoring the way they all visibly flinched as you talked over tactics with Kawanishi.

"She was definitely pointing at me." Nishinoya grinned, snickering as they switched legs.

Tanaka let out a boisterous laugh, waving his hand as he looked up at the second years.

"She was pointing at either Daichi-san or Suga-san." He hummed, grinning as Daichi and Sugawara gave him a meek smile.

"Why would she point at either of them though?" Ennoshita asked, leaning forward as the others followed, all of them shrugging.

"Maybe she found Suga attractive?" Asahi mumbled, glancing up to see his teammates' eyes glued on him. "Or she's scoping out her competition?" He changed his answer, leaning back with a small nervous laugh.

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