96. Bars

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Goshiki turned around, almost instantly recognizing the voice as he instinctually smiled.

You skipped up to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pulling him in.

"How's my favorite little first year doing?" You smiled widely, leaning back to softly pinch his cheeks in delight.

"I've bween gwood." He said, shaking himself out of your hold to speak clearly and to rub at his cheeks. "I have to go to the training camp today though, it's the last day."

You hummed, remembering that their first year camp was in fact a day longer than the All-Japan camp.

"Can I come along?" You asked.

Goshiki shrugged, nodding you along as he began walking to the gym. "I don't see why not. But I doubt Washijou-sensei will let you be in there."

You shrugged, knowing Washijou would most likely kick you out as soon as he saw you, but choosing to go anyway.

You walked with Goshiki to the gym, still in your school uniform as you simply took off your shoes to walk inside.

"Good afternoon, Washijou-sensei!" You greeted him, a bright smile sporting your face as he glanced over and scoffed.

"Back so soon?" He asked, watching you walk over with Goshiki as the guys who were already there stared at you in confusion or admiration.

"I couldn't leave everyone behind for so long." You smiled, not budging with Washijou's uninterested stare.

"Are they still calling you Ushijima's counterpart?" He asked, turning around as he began walking forward, Goshiki and you following him around.

"I can't say I paid attention, but knowing how the coaches are, they most likely still are." You hummed, glancing at Goshiki as he took your shoes from your hands. You raised a brow at him, only receiving a smile back as he continued to carry your shoes around with him.

Washijou clicked his tongue, stopping at the storage room as he peeked inside.

"Fools, just because you're both the strongest players from your school doesn't make you one another's counterpart." He grumbled, turning around as he looked you up and down before humming.

"If anything I see more of your brother and Aoba Johsai's ace in you than Ushijima." He hummed, turning to Goshiki as he looked him up and down as well.

"Why aren't you stretching yet? Just because Oikawa's with you doesn't mean you get to slack off. Hurry on now."

Goshiki stiffened at his stare, quickly nodding before turning around and jogging to his self proclaimed corner to stretch and drop off his bag.

Washijou hummed, looking back at you as he nodded once and began walking forward again.

"Did you learn anything helpful this time?" He asked as you followed.

You shrugged, thinking back on the training camp.

"They seem to invite just about anyone." You said, smiling at the old man as he looked back at you in question. "Apart from that I think it helped me improve some of the techniques I've been practicing so far."

Washijou hummed, stopping at the side of the court as he looked over the players stretching.

"How's the left handed spike coming along?" He asked, glancing at you to see your confused expression before elaborating. "Tendou was bragging about it."

You hummed in understanding, softly snickering as you shrugged again.

"It's coming along, it's just that for me to hit it perfectly I need to get a specific set, if not I hit it wrong. But that kinda takes away from the surprise of it so I've been trying to hit it at all sets."

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Where stories live. Discover now