62. Cherry Blossom Tears

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"Good morning Shiratorizawa alumni and family..."

You zoned out the talking of the principal, lost in your own thoughts as you played with the ends of your skirt.

You sat next to Shirabu, mindlessly looking ahead as Shirabu looked at you in concern.

It's not like he wasn't sad about his seniors graduating, but he hadn't formed the deep connection you had formed with your own.

Through the past school year, Shirabu had seen the way you gradually grew closer to your seniors, more so the starters than the others.

He knew of the hostility the other seniors showed you after being announced as a starter, he knew of it but seemed to be more affected by it then you. He'd glare back at the girls glaring at you, bite back profanities at the obvious targeting you'd be subjected to, and nearly gave one a piece of his mind when her innocent prank went too far.

Yet you smiled through it all, you smiled because you were happy to simply be playing volleyball, happy to get the opportunity to play for a power house team and happy to play with your seniors.

The starters never were hostile around you. Be it because they already knew their spots as starters were secured, or because they pitied you at the beginning. Though they knew they couldn't be of much help to lessen the glares and whispers of the other girls, especially after Nakayama tried to do so and they changed their tactics to doing it in secret or away from any of their peering eyes.

So they offered you love and encouragement, which only multiplied after your grueling practices and scrimmages. They offered you the love that your other seniors were too blinded to offer you.

So they grew attached, the same way you did, and your actions only made it harder to not do so. Be it your occasional child-like tendencies, which made it obvious you were the youngest in your family, or your one-eighty change in personality when you were on court or when someone you didn't like got involved.

They grew close to the Oikawa who would stuff her cheeks full of snacks whenever she'd get caught eating where she shouldn't have, understanding where the nickname little bunny came from; and the same Oikawa who would glare and click her tongue when their opponents would hit a nasty serve or make an unnecessarily rude remark.

They grew on you as you grew on them, sharing lunch as you switched out your likes, trading your not so enjoyable vegetables for more meat with Nakayama or switching juices with Nakamoto whenever she'd get your favorite one.

You taught them tricks they hadn't thought of before as they taught you valuable lessons both inside and out of the court. They'd giggle as you stirred awake at the training camp, snapping pictures of you sleeping with your saliva pooling at the side of your face, or as you woke up with hair sticking up in multiple directions, your eyes groggy with sleep as you shamelessly scratched your boob.

Nakayama later made them delete those pictures, convincing them it was an invasion of privacy, especially since you never let anyone see you so unkept besides your family.

Though it was the same both ways.

You were there for Osaki when she twisted her ankle on your runs, both of you having been racing as she mistepped and groaned at the pain, carrying her back to campus with an arm around your shoulder. You were there when Goto dropped her favorite snack, giving her your own as you insisted you were already full. You were there for Nakamoto when she couldn't get her sets right, urging her to set in whatever way she wanted, and promising you'd hit it. You were there when Nakayama groaned in pain after a ball hit her fingers wrong in the middle of a game. Letting out a groan as you distracted the ref and called for a timeout, successfully hiding her injury as the game continued.

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