32. Sick Days

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"You're sick."
"Am not!" You huffed, looking at Kaneko as you sniffed. "Yes you are."

"No! I just sniffed because my snot was coming out!" You crossed your arms, looking away as she sighed. "Your snot is coming out because you're sick."

You glared at her, "Don't tell sensei or captain."
"Don't tell me what?" You froze, slowly looking back at your captain standing behind you. Her face blank as she looked at you with arms crossed.

"No-nothing captain!" You smiled at her, trying to hold back your sniff. She looked at you, her gaze burning holes through your face as you felt your snot slowly start rolling down.
She hummed, stepping back with a nod before walking towards Nakamoto.

You sighed, turning back to Kaneko and smiling. "Crisis averted." You gave her a thumbs up, sniffing extra hard. Kaneko scowled, about to bicker with you before Nakamoto lunged herself at you. Tackling you onto the floor.

"Moto-san?!" She flipped you around, putting her knees on your arms to stop you from moving before bringing one hand to your forehead and the other one to hers. She nodded, looking up at Nakayama a couple steps back. "She has a fever!"

Nakayama nodded, "When I said check her temperature I didn't mean to tackle her." She sighed, shaking her head before shrugging. "Guess it got the job done." She snickered, Nakamoto now standing up besides you.

"Go home Oikawa."
"But I feel fine!" you huffed. Slightly shrinking at your captain's glare.

"Go home, and I mean home home. Not the dorms." She said, her intense stare not faltering. You opened your mouth to retort, keeping it shut when her stare intensified. "Okay."

You stood up, picking up your stuff and walking out the gym, sneezing when the air from outside hit your exposed legs. "Put on your tracksuit Oikawa!" Nakayama called out from the middle of the gym. You looked back at her and nodded, sniffing before throwing on your jacket and sweats and closing the gym doors behind you.

You walked home, kicking a rock in your path along the way.

You walked past the convenience stores, refusing to stop for onigiri when you were boiling. You also didn't have your wallet.
"I'm home!" You called out as you stepped into your house. You closed the door behind you, switching out your sneakers with slippers as your mother called for you. "You're early bunny, I thought your practice didn't end 'till another two hours."

You walked into the living room, slumping down on the sofa as your mother looked at you through the small window between the kitchen. "Oh my." She hummed, setting down the spoon she was holding before walking out the kitchen, towards you. She held a hand up to your forehead, humming before stepping back into the kitchen.

"You're sick, bunny."
You hummed, fatigue suddenly weighing you down. Your mother came back out with medicine in one hand and a cup of water in the other. "Drink some of this first then go lay down. I'll make you something to eat okay?"
You nodded, taking the pill before stumbling to your room. You stripped out of your tracksuit, laying down in your spandex and practice shirt instead.

You looked at your nightstand, catching a glimpse of the photo you had with Fumiko and Tooru on top. You clicked your tongue, glaring at Tooru. "This is all your fault." You pouted.
"If you hadn't thrown me into that freezing river I'd be fine." You grumbled, turning away from the picture.

You didn't get much more time to curse Tooru before your mother knocked on your door, walking in soon after. She set down a tray with a bowl of soup and water before sitting down next to you. She touched your forehead again, humming as she checked the time. "For now, eat. Once you're done I'll come back up again to put a wet rag on your forehead."

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Where stories live. Discover now