40. Mani no Pedi

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Me literally thanking y'all for 7k reads last chapters but we're at 10k now-

Also, 600 votes?!! Thank you! Truly, truly thank you 







That's how you spent your time.

Qualifiers for spring nationals were rapidly approaching, and coach Kojima wanted everyone in their best shape to beat Niiyama.

He still left enough time for study and actual rest but you never did take that time to rest.

You practically lived at the gyms at this point. Both the girls and boys gyms. You were practicing not only your serves but your 'trick shots' with Ushijima. Ever since you all came back from the summer training camp he's been helping you learn how to hit the ball with your left hand.

It was a difficult process to simply throw it up right, but it was even more difficult to actually hit it. Those rare times that you did manage to hit it, the ball wouldn't even reach the net.

It was somewhat easier to spike when going in for the approach. Though that was only because you had been practicing your left spikes with Semi for the past hour. You also found that the toss affected how well you hit the spike.

Semi started setting it up to you as if he was setting it for Ushijima, but Ushijima's preferred sets weren't anything like yours.

It took a while to find a good set, and even more of a while to successfully hit one.

"You should just practice spiking with your left hand for now."

You looked up at Ushijima, lifting a brow as you took a sip of your water.

"Your serves are powerful with your right hand, and it'll take too long for you to get to that level with your left hand."

You nodded, putting your bottle down as you wiped your face with your towel.

"But practicing serves with your left hand is a good way to practice spiking, especially when you don't have a setter to practice with you."

You nodded, glancing at the clock with a sigh.

"Thanks Waka-san."

He hummed, putting his water bottle down before looking back at the court.

"Good luck Y/N-chan."

Not only had you been practicing your left handed spikes, but you had been practicing your fake glances as well.

It sounded easy. Just look elsewhere as you spike. Yet you never realized how much your eye placement affected your spikes. A bit too much, if you'd admit.


You looked up, meeting Tendou's malicious grin as he looked down at you.

"Third one in a row Y/N-chan." He snickered, placing his hands on his hips as he carefully leaned back. "You're gettin' predictable." He shot back up straight, smirking at you as you glared at him.

Semi and Reon snickered at the side, seeing as you shot daggers with your eyes at Tendou, who happily snickered on the other side of the net.

"We should start heading back now." Yamagata yawned, glancing at the clock as the other boys nodded.

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