82. Dragon

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"Drop and give me ten."

You sighed, dropping to the ground as you got into push-up position.


You dropped your body down.


You pushed yourself up again.

"One... down."

You bent your elbows, clenching your jaw as you glanced up at Kojima, a malignant smirk on his face as he made you hold that position. He looked to the other girls, all of them doing the drill with extra care to not mess up or seem like they were lazing around.

"Up." Kojima said, glancing down at you huffing as you ignored your shaking arms.

"Two, down."

"That looks gruesome." Minegishi mumbled under her breath, glancing at you having to hold yourself up in a plank, your arms shaking and your face clenched tight.

"Use that as an incentive to not mess up then." One of her teammates suggested, glancing back at their coach monitoring their specific drill section as she tried to discreetly tell Minegishi to pay attention.

"I guess the rumor about both of Shiratorizawa's coaches being devils is true." Minegishi mumbled to herself, wincing at the way your arms almost gave out, hearing Kojima add five more pushups to your ten. "I'd hate to-"


She stilled, glancing beside her to see the two girls who were previously in front of her long gone as she held up the line.

"H-heya coach." Minegishi grinned, sighing when her coach nodded towards Kojima and you. "Okay..."

"Eleven... down."

You clenched your jaw, going down as you held your stance, registering the pair of feet walking up besides you but too preoccupied to look over.

"Nice of you to join us, Minegishi-san. Up." Kojima grinned as you pushed yourself up.

Minegishi slowly got into position, quickening her moves when she saw you glare at her to hurry up.

"Twelve, and one... down."

You both went down. You looked at your fingers, slightly spreading them more as you waited for Kojima's signal.


You pushed yourself up, huffing out the breath you had held in as you glanced up at Kojima.



"Why is this so intense?"

He raised a brow, glancing down at you as he tilted his head.

"Thirteen and two, down... what do you mean?"

You moved your body down, keeping your chin tight as you raised your voice, hoping he could hear you.

"This is the type of push-ups I see foreigners do in military movies."

Kojima snickered.

"Up... did we see the same one? Because I got the idea for this off of one of those movies." He revealed, grinning at the glare you sent him, Minegishi simply listening to the two of you bicker on the side.

"Kojima-san, aren't punishments normally good for us?"

"Are they? Fourteen and three, down." He asked, grinning as you moved down again. "Well who said push-ups aren't good for you? You think receiving is all in your legs? Even if you have buff legs you won't be able to properly send the ball back if you have sticks for arms." He elaborated, glancing at Minegishi who mindlessly stared off at the court.

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