23. Caltan

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Just one more point
You panted as you duck back down into receiving position.

Second set 1-0
Shiratorizawa - Taiwa
24 - 21

You clutched your stomach as Taiwa's server started her approach.

Darn western food

You grumbled to yourself as you stepped up, hands up to receive her jump floater.
"Moto-san!" You yelled as you tossed the ball up, Nakamoto moving under it as you all started your approach.

What was it called again

Nakamoto set the ball to you, prompting you to jump as you ignored the grumbling in your stomach.

Burger supreme?

Your arm cranked back as you looked at the opposing teams positions. Bringing your palm up to hit a straight.

Who knew western food would mess up my insides

You shot the ball straight down hitting the sidelines, just barely missing the blockers hand.

You landed soon after, looking at the ball roll away with a blank face as you stopped yourself from running to the bathrooms.

Shiratorizawa v. Taiwa 2-0

Stupid western food

You turned around and high-fived your teammates before moving to the back line, yelling out your thank you before moving to the cheering section.

You bowed as you yelled thank you, looking up to see a snickering Shirabu and dead looking Kawanishi.

Stupid western food

You grumbled once more, remembering how you and Kawanishi had shared the triple patty burger back at the restaurant.

You turned around, jogging back to the benches to pick up your bags before turning to look at the coach.

"Kojima-Sensei!" You straightened up as he looked back at you, lifting a brow at the sudden action. "Permission to go to the bathroom, sir."
Kojima sighed as he waved you off, returning his attention to his bags as you jogged off court. Your jog morphing into a sprint as your stomach grumbled again.

You clutched it as you looked around for the bathrooms, ignoring all the murmurs and stares from the other teams. You sprinted down a hallway with a sign on top labeled 'restrooms' feeling your life flash before your eyes as you collided with a wall. Closing your eyes as you awaited impact.

Impact came in the form of two hands under your armpits, holding you up from the ground. You opened your eyes, seeing as the 'wall' had actually been a piss haired loser you could recognize in an instant. You ignored him as you looked up, trying to see whose hands were holding you up. You catched a glimpse of light brown wavy hair.You tilted your head back further, brown eyes looking at you with a shy smile.

"He's cute." You muttered, confused as to why the boy flushed pink. You lifted a brow as snickering reached your ear, turning towards it to be met by a pair of big seagull like green eyes as they looked down at you. The boy stopped snickering when he felt your eyes on him, opening his eyes to look straight into yours. You smiled up at him, slightly relieved when you saw him smile back. He had white spiky hair, looking peculiarly tall from your point of view.

"Oi." You shot your head back to the 'wall' you had hit. Meeting Atsumu's brown eyes as he glared at your chest, you unconsciously brought your hands up, covering your already covered chest. "Watch where yer placing yer hands" he snarled as he turned his glare up to look at the boy holding you in his arms. Confused, you looked down. Noticing how the boys hands were hovering over your boobs, though they were shot straight as to not touch them.

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang