33. Training Camp

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I don't know why I just noticed but thank y'all for 3k reads,, like what??
I greatly appreciate all of you! <33
Anyways,, longer chapter because I was sick when I uploaded the last one and it was super short :D
I mean I'm still pretty sick, but if I can handle five hours of online lectures I think I can handle writing a 5k word chapter-
Hope you enjoy!!

"Did you bring it?"
You looked up at Atsumu and nodded, putting your hand up for him to help you up.

"Bring what?" Kaneko asked, overhearing your conversation. You dusted off the dirt from your butt before looking up at Kaneko. "Secret." You smirked, bringing your index finger up to your lips to exaggerate the "secret."
Kaneko rolled her eyes, walking off after Sasaki called her. You giggled, turning to look back at Atsumu. "Do they even let us go into the gyms that late though?"

He shrugged, walking towards the exit as you followed. "We can say it's for extra practice." You hummed, walking through the courtyard towards the main building. "Aren't we still getting in extra practice though?"
"Well yea, but either way it can be an excuse." You nodded, looking up front as Atsumu waved at his teammates. He was about to walk forward, stopping to look back at you and frowned. "You can go." You giggled. He nodded before running off towards his team, "See ya later bunny!"

You waved him off, continuing your walk down the Itachiyama courtyard. Itachiyama was a private school, just like Shiratorizawa. Only that Itachiyama was an "institute" and Shiratorizawa an "academy", not much of a difference though. All four schools were powerhouse schools, and powerhouse schools had money. That's a known fact, so the size of the institute wasn't much different from Shiratorizawa. You couldn't speak for Inarizaki and Kamomedai though, since you've never been there.

You turned around, pulled out of your thoughts when a voice called out to you. "Oh, what's up?" You smiled up at Shirabu and Kawanishi jogging over to you. "Feels like forever since I last saw you Taichi-kun~" you cooed, bumping into his side as he snickered. "You're acting like we didn't sit on the bus together for five hours." He flicked your forehead, walking ahead with you and Shirabu.

To "save gas money" they stuck both teams into one of the big buses. Riding five hours from Miyagi over to Tokyo with thirty teenagers probably wasn't the best idea. Either way, it wasn't totally bad.
You hummed, flinging an arm around Kawanishi as you pulled him down. "You're right." You smiled at him, grimacing when he poked your side. Shirabu sighed next to you, snickering at your grimacing as you all continued walking forward. You cleared your throat, settling on putting your arm around Shirabu instead. He scowled at you, not even bothering to pull away after his last experience.

"I wonder what's for lunch." Kawanishi yawned, placing his hands behind his head as the main building started coming into view. "I just hope it's good." You hummed, pointing towards some opened doors on the side of the building. "It better be, I'm sure they can afford proper lunch." Shirabu clicked his tongue, glaring at you when you poked his cheek. "I'd sure hope so." Kawanishi added, snickering at you poking Shirabu's cheek again. "I mean they are an institute, though I doubt they can surpass Suda-san's food." You hummed, looking up to the sky with Kawanishi as both your mouths watered at the thought of Suda's cooking back at Shiratorizawa. Suda being the main cook.

"Quit drooling." Shirabu clicked his tongue, looking away as to ignore you. You giggled, pulling him in closer as you ruffled his hair. "Come on now Kenjiro~"
"Don't be a party pooper Kenjiro~"

You and Kawanishi snickered, high fiving as Shirabu glared at you again. You walked into the cafeteria, the smell of boiled founder instantly reaching your nose. You hummed, letting go of Shirabu as you walked into the line. "Smells like boiled founder." You grinned, slightly bouncing up and down at the thought. Kawanishi hummed, placing his hands on your shoulders to stop you from moving. "Smells like it."

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