59. Deal.

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"Why am I going to your house again?"

Kageyama asked, glancing at you as you reached up to pull up his scarf before pulling up your own.

"Mamma says she misses you."

He hummed, accepting his fate as he followed you up the street to your house, letting out a small yawn as you opened the front gates, letting him in before skipping up the trail leading to your front door.

You opened it, calling a small 'I'm home' before reaching for your slippers, Kageyama calling a small 'thank you for having me' before reaching for his own pair of slippers. You both switched out your shoes for your slippers, your father walking up the hallway leading to the front door as he greeted you both.

"It's good to see you again Tobio-kun!" He hummed, patting Kageyama's back as Kageyama hummed in agreement.

"Thank you for having me Yuuta-san."

"Any time! Now come on, Etsuko's already setting the table." He said, lightly pushing you two forward as you both hummed.

Kageyama followed after you, walking the familiar halls of your house until you reached the dining table.

Despite the traditional architecture and design of your house, your family's usual dining table was a western style table with matching chairs, something he hadn't expected. He hummed to himself, remembering the first time your mother had invited him to eat, he thought he'd be walking into a movie scene with the yakuza, given that your house always gave him those vibes when he was younger.

You definitely still had the traditional chabudai and sitting mats in the more traditional rooms, like the tea room. Though you had told him your family only ever used them for important settings, such as when your grandparents visited, important business men having a meeting with your father, or for intimidation. Intimidation like the time Fumiko first introduced Ryu to your family.

Your parents had dressed you and Tooru in a kimono and montsuki, mimicking your parents as you dined in the tatami room with sudare blinds on one wall, overlooking the pond and garden in the back. You had giggled at the memory, admitting you were too engrossed in the food to understand why Ryu's face was pale and what all his fidgeting meant.

He shook off the thought, smiling softly at your mother as she greeted him, slightly bowing as she ushered you all to the dining table.

He had never admitted this to you before, but he had always thought that the best part of being your playmate since a young age was your parents' food. Parents because he was never sure which one was the one who cooked that day, given that both your parents cooked delicious dishes.

He clapped his hands together with you. "Thank you for the food." You both said, your parents murmuring it back before you all dug into your food, making small talk here and there until you were all nearly finished, the longer conversations beginning.

"Ah, Tobio-chan." Your mother hummed, Kageyama looking up as he hummed. "Little bunny was telling us you were interested in going to Shiratorizawa?"

He nodded, picking up more fried rice as your father hummed.

"Have you taken the entrance exam yet? We can't really do much if you fail, but as long as it isn't terrible we can pull some strings here and there to get you in."

Kageyama stopped, holding his chopsticks halfway up to his mouth as he looked at your parents with wide eyes, both of them giving him bright smiles as you nonchalantly continued eating your rice.

He cleared his throat, sitting up straight as he slowly shook his head.

"It's fine Yuuta-san, if I don't get accepted then that's all there is to it. I don't want to cause any trouble for you and Etsuko-san, if I can't pass an entrance exam then I don't think I'll be able to make it the next three years of senior high." He said, looking up at your mother and father hum in understatement, not missing the way your eyes drooped before picking up a tempura.

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ