6. Dorming

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"I'm positive such a big suitcase looked suspicious, but thanks to whatever that other girl did they didn't have time to ask us anything."

You told Iwaizumi as he placed the suitcase on the bed, Tōru inspecting every corner of the dorm.

In the big suitcase you had cushioned the bottom, sides and top with some jeans, sweat pants and shirts for the little tv your mother had bought along with the game console.

Apart from not fitting much because of how much space they took up you carried three other bags. One being the rest of your casual sleeping clothes and the cute clothes Tōru had made you bring.

The second one had some pairs of shoes and undergarments. The third one was filled with your uniforms, and practice gear they had given you for the first couple weeks. They said that once the coach ordered all your tracksuits and other gear you'd have more. Only the ones who were scouted got the early practice uniforms.

In the other two bags you had, one was your school bag, carrying all the books you'd need throughout the school year. The other one had all your accessories, and face/hair care products. Along with a couple extra essentials and medicine your mother had given you as she checked over your bags one last time.

Tōru and Iwaizumi helped you carry the bags in.
Maybe it was because of the excessive number of bags or because of how "insanely hot", as you had overheard some girls giggle, your companions were - but you received a lot of looks.

Luckily all the attention was taken off you when another girl yelled out something you didn't catch but everyone else around you did.

Tōru helped you unpack all your face and hair products in the bathroom, since you basically have the same routine for both at this point. While Iwaizumi helped you set up the Tv and other electronic things around the room. You put away the bags and some of the clothes. Finishing with the two hoodies, three zip ups and the four uniform coats. You stepped back and looked over the room with Tōru, the bedding wasn't on yet as your mother said that they'd take you to a store to buy it along with anything else you might want to add to the room.

"It looks bland"

Iwaizumi said as he stepped back and looked over the room with you.

"I think an alien canvas would look great on top of the tv"

Tōru pointed towards the corner the Tv was at.

"No, a godzilla one would look better."

I don't think they sell either one of those at Target.

You looked around to check the time, "You don't have a clock yet, Y/N-chan"

Iwaizumi said as he walked around looking for the dorm keys.

"Yea, I probably need one of those too."

You jingled the keys as you walked towards the door, Tōru and Iwaizumi behind you.

You stepped outside and locked the door. "You should probably get a succulent or some little plant"

You looked up at Tōru with a confused look as you started walking back down to the lobby.

"Well we have a lot of plants at home so it might make you feel more at home."

He shrugged before adding, "also plants make oxygen and you'll need that because you'll most likely lock yourself in your room when you're not in classes or volleyball."

He snickered, before briskly pulling your arm and bringing you into his chest.
You were surprised about the spontaneous hug. Though you were more surprised to see him glaring at something instead of his usual soft faces he makes when hugging you.

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