92. Sister

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This chapter is so very OC centric...I apologize in advanced if that isn't really your style


Fumiko nee-san





Fumiko Oikawa, first born daughter to Yuuta and Etsuko Oikawa. Older sister of Tooru and Y/N Oikawa. Mother of Takeru Oikawa. Wife of Ryu Oikawa.

She's been my role model for longer than Tooru has.

Or to put it in a better form, she's been my role model for everything apart from volleyball for longer than Tooru has, whether I realized it or not, she's always been someone I've looked up to.

And she always will be.




"Yes, Bunny?" Fumiko asked, glancing down at you as she cut the strawberries into small pieces.

You stuttered out your words, playing with the hem of your dress. "Can you tell Tooru-nii to let me play with him? He doeshn't wanna share his cars." You said, elongating your last words as you looked up at her with puppy eyes.

Fumiko sighed, leaning down to scoop you up with one arm, holding your plate of tiny strawberries in the other before walking to the living room.

You giggled from being in her hold, hugging her face from the side when she stepped into the living room.

"I've brwought reinforshments Nii-chan!" You giggled devilishly, Fumiko continuing to walk as she looked where she was going between your arms.

Tooru looked up from his spot on the couch, instantly scoffing as he stood up and dropped his toy car.

"That's not fair Nee-san! It's not my fault Bunny lost her doll!"

"Tooru-" Fumiko began, being interrupted by him soon after.

"No, Nee-san! You were my big sister before you were hers! You have to be on my side!" He huffed, puffing his cheeks as he crossed his arms, glaring at the both of you.

Your grip on Fumiko loosened as she neared the couch. She set the plate down before beginning to sit you down on the couch as well. Not missing the way you mocked Tooru by pulling your bottom eyelid down and sticking out your tongue.

"Sho what if she was your sister firsht! She's mine now so suck it up, bozo." You bit back, glaring at Tooru as you popped a small piece of strawberry into your mouth.

Fumiko gasped, softly flicking your forehead before you shot your head back to look at her in disbelief.

"Fu-Fumiko Nee-san?!" You said, your eyes beginning to water as your lip quivered, Fumiko raising a brow at you as she shook her head.

"Don't go crying now, who taught you those words? You can't be saying things like 'suck it up, bozo' okay?" She said, looking at you as you softly nodded, solemnly eating your strawberries as Tooru laughed.

Fumiko snapped her head back to Tooru, making him freeze before looking away. He glanced back to see her still glaring at him, raising a brow as he murmured. "What?"

"Don't say stuff like 'oh, I was your sister first', I'm the older sister, for the both of you, no matter the age. So don't think you're free either, Tooru." She said, reaching over to softly flick his forehead as well.

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