34. Training camp - 2

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"I think we're lost."

You turned to look up at Ushijima as you both stood on the road in the middle of Tokyo. You were out on your usual morning run with Ushijima, given that only the two of you are the ones crazy enough to run at ass o'clock in the morning. You weren't following any maps or specific directions but had just decided to follow the streets with the excuse that 'one should lead us back to Itachiyama'.

"Did you bring your phone?" he asked as you deadpanned at him. "Waka-san I think we both know the answer to that question."

You both looked down at your matching Shiratorizawa shorts. They were very aesthetically pleasing with the letters 'STZ' on the sides in a dark purple color. The matching jacket was very aesthetic too, with the lilac color on the upper back part of the jacket. Only that the pockets didn't have a zipper so when running you risked your phone falling out.
Which is why the both of you never carried your phones when running. You probably should've made an exception this time around given that you were in another city.

"You're right." Ushijima hummed, looking at the street signs at the corner. You looked around, nobody seemed to be out just yet, and only a couple stores had their lights on.

"We can go to a convenience store." you nodded towards one of the stores with their lights on across the street as Ushijima furrowed his brows. "If we didn't bring our phones I doubt we brought money Y/N-chan." he looked at you, lifting a brow when you shook your head.

"Just follow me Waka-san." You grabbed his hand, checking both sides of the street before crossing it and stepping into the convenience store.

"Welcome!" the man at the front desk greeted you two as you smiled, letting go of Ushijima's hand as you walked up to him. "Hello! Sorry to bother but we're a bit lost." You gave the man an awkward smile. "Is there any way you can give us directions to Itachiyama Institute?"

He lightly snickered, nodding as he took out a paper and pen. He scribbled on some words and numbers before looking back up at you and handing you the paper. "I tried to make them as detailed as I could, just follow those and you'll get there in a jiffy."

"Thank you!" You bowed with Ushijima as you received the paper, walking out with another smile before walking down to the corner.

"Okay." You hummed, looking at the paper for the next directions before mentally malfunctioning. You stared at the paper for a couple minutes, blinking as you re-read the words for what felt like a hundred times.

"Y/N-chan?" Ushijima asked, setting a hand on your shoulder to get your attention. You looked up at him, face blank as you cursed inside. "What's wrong?"

You looked back at the paper, slightly lifting it for Ushijima to see.
"It's in Kanji..."
You both turned to look at each other, faces blank as you tried to think of another way to get back to the Institute.
"Well." Ushijima said, looking at the paper before looking up at the street signs. "I'm sure it can't be that hard."


"Waka-san, we've passed this same rock five times now."
"How do you know it's the same rock?"
"Because I scratched it with another rock every time we passed by it!" You pointed at the four tally marks painted on the side of the rock besides you. Ushijima looked at it, blinking before looking back towards the street you had just walked up from.

"Kanji doesn't make sense."
You giggled, humming in agreement before sitting on the rock you had painted on. "Next time." You looked up at Ushijima. "Let's bring our phones."
Ushijima hummed, kneeling besides you to tie his shoe.

You sighed as you rested your arms on your knees, looking at your shoes as the murmurs of people walking by faded in and out of your ears. It had been about half an hour since you had started jogging in circles, the sun almost fully up now and people waking up.

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