88. Friendly Rival

985 51 7

Shiratorizawa v Johzenji

12 - 9

"You're so cool, senpai." You said, looking up at Johzenji's captain with stars in your eyes.

She had just landed from a total shut down, a shut down on you, but that didn't stop it from being any less cool.

She looked down at you, trying to hold in her laughter and maintain her 'cool captain' look, so she simply nodded.

The ends of her lips begged to turn up in a smile as she responded with a small and curt, "thank you."

You puffed out a laugh, seeing her try her best to not laugh as you shrugged.

Azuma Masa, Johzenji's third year captain and blocker.

A gem, truly.

You had met her at a tournament or two ago, during one of your usual awkward encounters with other people.

You had been walking down the same tight hallway, but in opposite directions.

So when you stopped right in front one another, trying to step to opposite sides to pass through the ever so awkward encounter of you both stepping to the same sides, continuously, happened.

It happened for an embarrassingly long time before you simply broke down and crouched on the floor, you hugged your knees, looking up at her with a blank look.

"You can go around me now, we won't continue stepping to the same side like this."

She giggled, offering you her hand as you simply looked up at her in confusion.

"Get up, I'll go around and you can just walk straight, okay?"

You slowly nodded, grabbing hold of her hand as she helped you up.

You each went your destined ways and parted with a small smile, not thinking to introduce yourselves or anything alike.

You met her a couple weeks later at the bus stop.

You slouched against the wall of the bus stop, looking at the wind shaking the leaves on the trees, a couple of them coming loose from the strength.

You sighed, closing your eyes as you leaned your head back, feeling yourself falling deeper and deeper in relaxation, until a sudden crash woke you up.

You quickly opened your eyes, sitting up and looking around before stopping to look at the girl standing a couple steps away from you.

She stood holding what was left of her brown paper bag, the bottom having ripped open due to some liquid spilling inside, the bag on her other arm still intact.

Her light brown eyes shifted around the objects that had fallen, her long pitch black hair dancing in the wind against her back.

Her groceries and other snacks were sprawled out on the floor as she looked at them in pure dejection, mumbling curses under her breath as she tried to rack her brain on how to store and carry everything which had just fallen through.

You quickly took out the shoes, water bottle, and your other volleyball stuff from your bag and stuck them inside the hoodie which was also in your bag before kneeling down next to her.

You helped her pick up all the groceries and put them in your sports bag, nodding and offering her a small smile as she thanked you... multiple times.

You finished packing it up, zipping it up as you looked up at her.

Her other bag looked plenty heavy, and trying to balance both bags out would be tiring.

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