20. Off days

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"AUGHHH" you groaned as you gripped your hair, seeing the ball you had just spiked, and missed for the nth time that afternoon roll away from you.

"Hey, Oikawa!" Coach Kojima yelled out to you, motioning for you to walk over to him.
"What's up Sensei?" You asked as you jogged in front of him.

"Look kiddo. I'm not sure what's been going on, but you're not getting into it today." Coach sighed as he crossed his arms, tapping his arm with his fingers.

"Go home. Tomorrow's an off day for both school and practice so go." He said as he looked at you with a ping of worry in his eyes.
"But sensei-" you began. "I don't want to hear it, Oikawa. You either go home now or you're not allowed into the gyms all next week."

Kojima said with more of a stern voice than before. You muttered something under your breath as you nodded. Turning to go pick up your sports bag and waving at Kaneko.

The day had been shitty, to say the least. Though it really wasn't supposed to be a bad one.

Something had happened with the school's pipe system so all students were excused for classes the next day. The next day being Friday which were also your off days from volleyball. Aunt Flo had even finished earlier than expected.

Though all the signs pointed towards it being a good day, the day ended up being anything but that.

You had gotten used to waking up with Suna on the other side of the phone. You'd never admit it, but it was a nice way to start out your day.

So when Suna said he couldn't call last night, you would be lying if you said you weren't a little disappointed.

Especially since Suna's soft yet loud snores serve as your alarm clock.

So when you woke up with the sun hitting your face you turned to check the time. You were anything but happy to find out you had missed the entirety of the first period and were currently missing second.

You checked your phone, skimming over the mountain of text messages you had received.
Any other day, you would've just shrugged it off and gone about your excessively long morning routine as if nothing had happened. The only thing that stopped you was that you had a test during third period, which was at then fifteen minutes from starting.

You shimmied into your uniform before wrapping the bird's nest you called hair into a bun to hide all the tangles. It'd take way more than fifteen minutes to comb through that mess. You flung on a pair of glasses to try and hide your eye bags and the fact that you didn't put any makeup on before grabbing your bag and running out your dorm.

You ran out the dorms, eating the Apple you had conveniently placed in your bag the day before. You checked the time, you were about two minutes away from the building your classes were in and had about a minute before second ended. Leaving the five minute period in between. You continued running either way, making a beeline to the bathrooms to double check your appearance.

One you had determined you looked slightly more presentable than when you stepped out of the dorms you skipped up the stairs, avoiding your teachers.

Second period had ended about two minutes earlier so you were sure it was more than safe to walk into the classroom. Which ended up being a bad idea.

Not only was your second period teacher still there, she was finishing up her lecture as you confidently swung the door open. She turned to raise an eyebrow at you, confused at where all that confidence was coming from as you gaped at her. You nodded and turned to check the time before turning to walk out the classroom and closing the door again.

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Where stories live. Discover now