25. Interview

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"I-um." You looked at the interviewer and mentally shut down. Trying to think on how to answer her question.

From the corner of your eye you could see Kaneko and Sasaki frantically waving at you, trying to help you answer without completely embarrassing yourself.

"Well I just sorta," you brought your arm up, lightly swinging it as you looked between the interviewer and the man behind the camera. "you know?"

You looked at her, confusion evident in her face as she answered, "Could you maybe rephrase that a bit, Oikawa-San?"

You stopped swinging your hand as you hummed, bringing your finger up to your chin as you pondered on your answer for a bit.

"Well when I go up for a spike, even if I'm not going to hit it, I go in as if I was." You brought your hand down to your hip before answering. "Though I'm not a good decoy, it's better to at least distract some of the blockers."

You brought your hand that was last on your chin up to your head, slightly scratching it as you tried not to explain your spikes with sound effects.

"For my spikes personally, I jump with my arm already cranked back. The time I'm in the air isn't much so I have to take in my opponents' positioning during my approach."

You looked at the interviewer again, slightly concerned you might've talked to much. She smiled and nodded at you and you slightly nodded back.

"Once I'm up in the air the only thing going through my head is where I'm going to spike. Though I don't have to spike it all the time." You brought your hand down to your waist, resting them there as you slightly rocked back and forth.

"I haven't used any of them yet, but rebounding or even faints are some of the possibilities you're given once you're in the air." You stopped, thinking over your words before continuing. "Honestly, my body just moves on it's own. I don't do much thinking apart from how much strength I put into my spikes." You hummed, looking down at the interviewer after you had successfully answered.

The interviewer nodded as she moved onto the next question.

"Oi, Sachirou." Hoshiumi turned to Hirugami, elbowing him on the side when he looked up at you across the court. Hirugami hummed as he continued looking through the volleyball shirts, slightly squirming from Hoshiumi's nudge.

"Isn't that the girl from yesterday?"
Hirugami paid for his shirt before turning towards the direction Hoshiumi was looking at. Seeing you standing in front of a camera with an interviewer at your side. Some of your teammates behind the camera making weird gestures at you.

"I think so. Their uniform says Shiratorizawa." Hirugami shrugged, turning back to get his bag before following after Hoshiumi who had started walking towards you.
"Why are we walking closer?" He asked as he looked down at Hoshiumi.

"Eighty percent!!" The interviewer gasped as you looked at her with a confused expression.

"Well most of my normal spikes are at like ninety, but my serves normally don't make it over eighty." You shrugged, trying to explain the way you measure your strength.

"I can't control my serves if they're over eighty. Well unless I get fully warmed up, but even then, I make like two out of ten of my ninety fives. I've yet to make one at my full strength." You hummed, getting slightly self conscious at the bewildered expression she was giving you.

"Not her full strength?" Hirugami asked, confused as he looked at you trying to convince the interviewer it wasn't much.

"Hah?" Hoshiumi clicked his tongue, eyes squinting as he looked at you.
"These Shiratorizawa brats are too much." He grumbled, crossing his arms as he looked up at the stands. Not wanting to look at you any longer.

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