1. You Should've gone to Shiratorizawa

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"And that wasn't even the worst part !"

Tōru looked over at you as he stopped his pacing in front of the TV in the living room. An exasperated look painted on his face, contrast to the light blue and white from his volleyball club tracksuit.

"Oh really? Then what was?" Your older sister piped in as she peeked her head from the window between the living room and kitchen.
"He said," Tōru cleared his throat while straightening up and showing the straightest, calmest face he could muster.

"You should've come to Shiratorizawa - can you believe that?!"

His facade crumbling at the second half of his sentence.

Fumiko and you giggled at his childness.
"Anyways," Tōru said while making his way to the bean bag you were sitting at,
"That's why you shouldn't go to Shiratorizawa and come to Aoba Johsai instead."

Tōru beamed as you both bounced from his impact on the bean bag.

"Tōru, what does Ushijima-san telling you to go to Shiratorizawa have to do with me choosing what high school I go to?" You asked with a bored expression.

"Because my sweet, naive little sister" Tōru deadpanned,
"You're surely going to join the girls volleyball club, correct?" You nodded as he moved a hand under his chin to lightly scratch it.

"The girls and boys volleyball clubs meet more often than necessary, atleast at Aoba they do. WHICH MEANS that you're sure to have to interact with Ushiwaka, and the entirety of the boys volleyball club at least once in your years at Shiratorizawa."

Tōru exclaimed, switching his deadpan look with a mock concerned one.

"Oh wow, who would've thought I'd have to interact with boys during my high school years, I certainly didn't"

You tilted your head in mock innocence which Tōru tsked at.

Fumiko walked in with Takeru by her side.
"Ewww, boys"
Fumiko giggled as she covered her nose with her fingers motioning for Takeru to do the same.

"Eww, boys" Takeru followed, his small palm covering his nose and mouth, slightly muffling his words.

Tōru let out an exaggerated gasp and clutched his heart
"TakeruuUuuUu, I expected this from Fumiko-nee but not from you." He whined, wiping a non-existent tear from under his eye.

"Anyways little bunny,"
Tōru cleared his throat as he put his attention back on you, "not only that, but what if he treats you differently because you're the Great King's little sister!" He spoke as he gripped your shoulders.

You placed your hands over his and looked up at him, "Tōru-nii," You told him with a small smile tugging at the ends of your lips.

"I doubt Ushijima-san would be as childish as you to ostracize me for being related to his rival." You deadpanned at him causing his worried expression to fall into an unimpressed one.

"She's right Tōru, I think you'd be the only one to hold some type of grudge against your rivals sister"

Fumiko spoke up as she popped a blueberry into Takeru's mouth, now seated at the sofa in front of the TV.

"Am not -" Tōru crossed his arms before turning away as his lips morphed into a small pout.

"The people at Aoba are nicer"

"If they're anything like you I doubt it."

"Our school's cooler,"

"Shiratorizawa literally has horses."

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin