76. Weirdo(s)

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"Wakey wakey~"

You slowly cracked an eye open, groggily looking up at Kawanishi.

You huffed, turning around as you brought the blanket over your head, starting to doze off again.

"Y-" You shot up, sitting up as you looked at your surroundings, just now realizing you weren't at your dorm but in a hotel room instead. "-N..."

"Nishi." You turned towards Kawanishi, ignoring the small grin growing on his lips at the look of your disheveled self. "What time is it?"

"Seven forty-" He huffed, catching the pillow you had just chucked at his face, he brought the pillow down, watching you run towards your open suitcase and whip out different items of clothing.

"You know you don't have to—AGH! OIKAWA!" He grumbled, rapidly lifting the pillow again so that he wasn't looking at your undergarments being thrown around.

"Sorry Nishi, let me take a shower real quick!" You said, jogging past him and into the bathroom, Kawanishi not bringing the pillow down until he heard the bathroom door close.

"What team are you rooting for?"

"Both." You answered, yelling from inside the bathroom.

"You can't root for both teams Y/N, that's not how it works."

You puffed out a laugh. "P-lease, I'm not going to choose between Kiyo and Motoya and the twins and Suna."

Kawanishi hummed. "I doubt they'd be happy to hear that."

You lightly snickered, nodding along as you turned on the water. "Yea well good luck to them if they try and get me to choose."

Kawanishi hummed, leaning against the wall next to the door. "You're gonna eat your words, Kawa." He mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Hurry up!"



Atsumu glared at you, not budging despite the deadpan you were giving him.

"But, Y/N-chaaan!"

"No, I already told you I won't choose either team." You huffed, standing back as you caught sight of Sakusa and Komori walking over, offering them a small smile before huffing as Atsumu threw himself onto you.

"Y/N-chan! If you don't cheer for us I won't let ya pet me anymore."

You cocked a brow at him, ruffling his hair to get him to loosen his grip on you. "You're the one who likes it more anyways."

He gasped, standing back up straight as he glared at you, soon moving to glare at Sakusa and Komori too, for taking away your attention.

You hugged both Komori and Sakusa, not missing the way Sakusa hugged you for slightly longer than usual and the small hum of satisfaction which left his lips.

"What're you talking about bunny?" Komori asked, smiling softly at you as you shrugged.

"Atsumu's trying to make me cheer for Inarizaki."

"I thought you were cheering for Itachiyama?" Komori asked, pouting when you shook your head.

"No, I'll cheer for both-"

"I'll give you candy."

You stopped, looking up at Sakusa who had just interrupted you. His expression ever the serious one, determination in his eyes as you tilt your head.


"Those Mexican candies you liked from last time, I'll give you double, no, triple the amount if you cheer for Itachiyama."

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