Then his scent hit me, and I could see him outside of the hospital. His shirt looked to be in shreds , and blood coated his body. Now my heart hurt in a different way as I sprinted towards him. Some of the members shouted but I ignored them as I looked at him. He turned around and his hazel eyes caught mine. His body was filled with blood, was it his? I needed him, I needed to feel him, I needed to make sure he was okay. Aeron took a few steps towards me as I slammed my body against his. Even if he was covered in blood, I pushed my body against his, my legs wrapped around his waist as I grabbed hold of his face.

I gasped loudly as I pulled him to my neck. Aeron grabbed hold of me and dug his nose into my neck. I quickly tried to capture my breath, hoping that my heavy breathing wasn't ruining the moment. My body felt hot and sweaty, and not even in an attractive way. I touched his damp hair and pulled him closer to me, "You're okay." I whispered, "You're okay." I repeated and nodded as I looked down to his eyes.

"Did you worry little mate?" He asked and let his lips fall into a smirk. I grabbed his wet face and pushed my lips against his. My nails scraped the blood off of his cheek as I pulled him closer to my body. Was I worried? I was petrified! I was so scared he wouldn't come back, that I wouldn't see him again. Goddess, I was so worried. Slowly my lips slowed their advances as I pulled away. I pushed my forehead against his as his hand went to my upper back, "We've gathered a crowd." He whispered. The members of this pack, now watched us from afar. Slowly I looked around us and smiled as a shaky laugh fell from my lips. I nodded.

"Seems we did." I whispered as I pulled back and kissed his face.

I didn't care about the blood as I wiped it on the flannel, I kissed him until I felt satisfied and grabbed the flannel to wipe off whatever blood I didn't get off. Aeron reminded me of a little child as he growled towards the sleeve. Behind me I could hear questions being whispered, "This is our Luna?" And "I didn't think it would be her." And the one that hurt the most, "That's it? That's the Luna?" And a few others. I ignored the questions as I looked down to my mates beautiful eyes. The moon reflected off of them, and for the first time in my life, I felt loved. Truly loved, a warming feeling filled my heart as Aeron slowly let me go and pulled me into his arms. I closed my eyes and nodded. This is where I belonged, and this is where I was determined to stay.

Aeron POV

When I had killed the men, Jon and I had released the women. Amanda instantly went to Jon's side, and that was the end of that. He took her out of sight of the room and called for the others to help. To my surprise Cameron saw one of the girls and that was it, he had found his mate. Sammy and Brody helped me move them. We found some clothes and wrapped it around their bodies. The men who surrendered were taken by the wolves on patrol and were getting locked in the cellar under the pack's house. Sammy and Brody and myself helped the girls down to the pack's hospital after Jon and Cameron. Cameron growled whenever Brody would ask if he was okay.

His mate had passed out before he found her, she dangled in his arms naked, he shielded her body and held her small broken body closer to him. Part of me sympathized with him. Just a while ago it was Morana and I. I looked down at the female I was holding and wondered where she was from. She looked so young, she was the youngest out of the others, her body was so small.

Part of me wondered if she was a child. She had to be a child, and that was sickening to think. The nurses and doctors quickly took hold of the girls. Doctor Brianna looked at me and then at the girl I placed on the bed, "Oh my goddess." She said and looked up to me with wide eyes, "Minor coming through!" She shouted as she pushed through a set of swinging doors.

My heart broke, I had killed over thirty men tonight, but I felt weak, so fucking weak. I wanted to fall on my knees and cry. I was so disappointed in my pack, that when I walked out of the hospital I was ready to yell at all of the bystanders. Some of them must have known, there is no way they didn't. But, Morana had said she was coming. And the last thing I wanted was to make the air thick with tension if she did happen to show. But, I knew it was likely not happening. My anger was rising again when I turned around, and then I saw it.

A small little panting woman. She looked horrible, her hair half up and half down in a bun. Her mouth was open as she tried to catch her breath, I wanted to laugh as I walked towards her, but as she threw her body against mine I couldn't find the will to. I grabbed hold of my mate as tightly as I could. I needed her, and she had come. She quickly started to wipe away the blood that had fallen on me, and I felt so proud of her. I couldn't help but to smile as she smeared the blood away using her shirt. She was going to be a fantastic mother.

But my happiness was short-lived. The wolves around us instantly started to ask questions, and once I heard a question, "That's it? That's the Luna?" I was ready to kill more. But, Morana held my attention away from them. And looking up at her I was falling in love with her all over again. Holding her up by the moon I could see her beauty. My heart raced as I slowly placed her down and turned toward my pack. Quickly I growled towards them, "Whoever said that will die." I growled and looked at the members take a step back, "I'm disappointing you, in you all."

"Aeron." Morana said and placed a hand on my chest, but I shook my head.

"This pack is a fucking disappointment." I growled, "First you have men kidnapping women and fucking raping and hurting them. Then you see my mate and you insult her?" I snap, "Get the fuck out of my sight, now!" I shouted and watched as they quickly turned away and ran away. I shook my head and looked down to Morana. She looked at me with wide eyes as I shook my head, "I've had a very long night."

"And it just started." Jon said as he walked out, his head bowed towards Morana, "Luna." He acknowledged and then turned towards me, "They need you."

"Of course they do." I growled and closed my eyes, "More paperwork."

Morana grabbed my hand as I turned back to the hospital. Doctor Linn was standing through the doorway, his arms crossed and his eyes glaring towards my mate. Aero growled as he looked towards the doctor, "Move." I said and went to take a step in. Doctor Linn stood his ground as he looked at my mate, "Linn I swear-"

"You." He said and pointed a finger at my mate, "Have a black wolf. You have blue eyes, you are not allowed in this hospital!" He said and turned around, slamming the door shut.

Morana's POV

Slowly my breathing started to even out, then the doctor slammed the door in our face. Aeron's face changed to a different shade of red than before. The hand I was holding was turning into claws as he grabbed the locked door and ripped it open. Those inside of the hospital looked back at him with wide eyes.

Snap! Snap! Snap! The bound sounded like loud cracks or hard slaps. The Alpha was in a rage as he stomped into the hospital. I wanted to stop him, but the doctor- he told me I wasn't allowed. Ontas told me to do it anyway. But I ignored her as I lowered my head. Placing a hand on my stomach I turned away as my mate went through the hall. And, very slowly I started to walk back to the house. I would lie if I said my feelings weren't hurt, but I held back the tears as I walked to my home.

The Abused LunaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz