The silence in the room made you anxious. ' I should go out and take a short walk to clear my mind.' you sighed, getting off of the hospital bed. But before you could even approach the door, the door was opened by someone else outside.

A man with muscular build entered your wardroom with a paper bag in his hand. The light in your eyes returned when you saw the familiar face of one of your beloved big boys.


"(Y/n)! Were you about to go out?" Kanji asked the moment he spotted you standing near your bed. You froze on your spot for a second, eyeing him who was staring at you in bafflement.

How could you not stare at Kanji? He was wearing a tight top, showing the fine curves and shapes of his ripped body.

' I know I need some sort of distraction but who would have thought I unintentionally manifested it? Well, at least I have something to distract my mind now.' you were secretly thankful for his arrival at such perfect timing.

Kanji cleared his throat since you weren't responding to his call. "You are always welcome to stare at me all day...but why don't you sit down first? Or do you want me to accompany you somewhere?"

You returned to the real world when realization hit your head again. Shaking off the thoughts, you sat down back on the bed. "Sorry about that. I daydreamed-"

"Of me?" Kanji grinned cockily which instantly caused you to sew your mouth shut due to embarrassment. You couldn't believe you let yourself space out like that in front of him. You covered your face with your palm and Kanji poked your cheek giddily. "What a cutie."

Pulling a chair close to your bed, Kanji sat down while facing you. He pulled out a container from the paper bag before handing it over to you. "Here, sakura mochi for you! My Ma made them."

"Your mother did?"

"Yeah. I told her I wanna visit a friend at a hospital and she immediately got to work to make the mochi."

Opening the cap of the container, your eyes shone in amazement. Not only because you were touched by Kanji's mother's kindness, but also the appearance of the sakura mochis' themselves.

"There is also a plate. Ma said you can keep it. Here, let me serve the mochi for you." Kanji eagerly took out a floral-shaped plate before putting six sakura mochis in the plate. Your eyes wouldn't stop sparkling.

The sakura mochis looked too adorable that you didn't have the heart to eat them since they were bear-shaped sakura mochis

"I can't. I can't eat them. They are too cute." You whined which earned a hearty laugh from Kanji. "If you won't eat them, I will enjoy the food by myself then." He joked.

"Not fair. Your mother made them specifically for me." You smacked his chest lightly several times as protest. Kanji just chortled, entertained by your priceless reaction to his teasing. "Too late, (Y/n)."

Kanji already chose one sakura mochi, opening his mouth widely before taking a bite of half of the bear-shaped sakura mochi. You gasped in horror at the frightening sight of the other half of the adorable pink bear.

"Come on, it's delicious. You are missing out on the best food in universe." Kanji teasingly coaxed you to have a taste of the Sakura mochi. You were mentally drooling as your eyes slowly darted to the pink bear mochi.

Picking up one, you continued to stare at the pink bear face's with heavy heart. "I'm sorry, Mister Bear. You will always be remembered." Shutting your eyes close, you built up your courage and devoured the Sakura mochi in one go. Kanji was impressed by your move as you munched on the food.

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