Chapter one - Heart ❤ mess up 1st time

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Miss, Miss, wake up soon, you want to late for class."

Cheng Chu grunted a few times with dissatisfaction and reluctantly opened her eyes.

A middle-aged woman is standing by the bed, looking at her with concern.

"Aunt Zhao?"

( the nanny who took care of her)

"Hey, I have already prepared breakfast, so get up and eat."

Aunt Zhao saw her awake and went out with smile.

Cheng Chu looked at the room, the light blue wallpaper, the white princess bed, and the wind chimes adorned with crystals hung on the windowsill. The bright sunlight reflected the crystals, reflecting the dazzling light.

This is the house her father bought for her next to the school so she can not be tired

Cheng Chu got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. The girl in the mirror had fair skin like snow ....her dark and waist length hair draped softly on her shoulders, her slightly raised peach eyes were shining, and her eyes flashed with agile light.

Cheng Chu blankly looked at her sleepy face in the mirror, and squeezed out her hand fiercely.


There was a real pain in her arm ..she wake up instantly and she frowned subconsciously, but the joy in her heart was like a burning flame, burning her cold and desperate heart.....

Aunt Zhao’s breakfast is as good as always.

After eating breakfast, Cheng Chu carried her schoolbag and left the house.

The Haishi No. 1 Middle School she attended is the city's number one high school.

Those who can enter this high school either have exceptional grades or possess some top-notch specialties.

And Cheng Chu happened to account for both.

She has been practicing piano since she was four years old. She is talented and willing to work hard. Almost all the teachers who have taught her gave her an evaluation.
From childhood to adulthood, from the toddler group, the children group, to the juvenile group, she has almost won the piano gold medal of every age group.

Life seems to be extra tolerant to her.

With a superior family background, outstanding appearance and top grades, she has lived a life like a star holding the moon since she was a child.

November in Haishi hasn't entered winter, it's not cold, and the morning wind is slightly warm.

Cheng Chu walked slowly on the road, bathed in the warm sunshine ...thinking about her mom's nagging about to be good girl and just be skillful in every other  things to be good candidate for marriage.... everything's arranged by mom for her ...

she only felt that her heavy heart was warmed by the sunshine...when she think about rejoin the school and get to touch with her friends

The house she now lives in was bought by her father to facilitate her commuting to and from school after she was admitted to the first high school. It is only a short five-minute walk away.
Crossing the road, she will see the golden block letters "Haishi Yizhong".

Cheng Chu walked into the campus briskly, filled with joy and expectation to change her Mom's thinking ...she is going to work hard and get full mark in exam... so her Mom will not press her to much

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