Chapter 60

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Daisy POV

Today was the day. Today, I was going to become Mrs. Valentino. I smiled as I sat in my wheelchair, admiring myself in the mirror. I was never one for fancy dresses, but this wedding gown made me feel like a princess.

A soft knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, and I looked up to see Anthony standing there. "You ready?" he asked, a twinkle in his eyes.

I nodded, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement bubbling inside me. "You look beautiful, Daisy," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

"Thanks, Anthony. And thank you for agreeing to walk me down the aisle," I said, a grateful smile playing on my lips.

He chuckled softly. "No problem. You've always been like a daughter to me, you know."

"And you've been like a father to me," I replied, feeling a surge of warmth and gratitude for the man who had been a pillar of support in my life.

Anthony gently pushed my wheelchair out of the room, and as we made our way towards the garden where our intimate ceremony would take place, my heart raced with anticipation. I caught sight of Dominic, standing at the end of the aisle, his eyes locked with mine, and I felt an electric current pass between us.

As Anthony brought me closer, he suddenly stopped, causing momentary confusion among the guests. With a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, Anthony stepped in front of the chair and extended his arm. With a wide smile spread across my face, I took Anthony's arm and stood up, surprising everyone, especially Dominic.

Dominic's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and joy reflecting in them. "Daisy..." he whispered, his voice filled with awe.

I beamed at him, feeling a surge of confidence. "I wanted to surprise you," I said, my voice laced with excitement.

"Well, consider me thoroughly surprised," he replied, a brilliant smile lighting up his face.

"Take care of my daughter. If you hurt her again, I'll kill you, " Anthony said.

Dominic laughed and said, "I don't doubt it." Then Anthony gave me a hug and a kiss and walked to his seat.

The minister began to speak, and we turned our attention to the heartfelt vows being exchanged. As our eyes met, we mouthed the words of our promises to each other, our love shining through every syllable.

Finally, the moment arrived. The minister pronounced us husband and wife, and the air filled with cheers and applause. Dominic leaned in, his eyes filled with adoration, and kissed me, sealing our vows with a promise of forever.

Amidst the jubilant celebration, our loved ones surrounded us, their faces radiant with joy. Lily approached, a tear glistening in her eye. She hugged me tightly and whispered, "You're officially my sister."

I hugged her back, feeling a rush of gratitude. "I've always been your sister."

She hugged me tighter, and I gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

Zayden walked up to us holding. Hailey and Matteo he handed them to us and then gave us each a hug. "Congratulations, you two," he said.

I looked down at our kids, then I looked up at Dominic and couldn't help but smile. "We're finally a family," I said.

"That's right, and I couldn't ask for a better family," he said, and he gave me a kiss.

As the night progressed, I still couldn’t believe I was married. Dominic stood the entire day by my side, his arm draped protectively around me, making sure I didn't fall.

As the night drew to a close, Dominic and I found ourselves wrapped in each other's arms. My head was resting on Dominic's chest, and all I could focus on was the steady beat of Dominic's heart against mine.

"I never imagined our journey would lead us here," I whispered, my voice filled with a mixture of awe and contentment.

Dominic pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. "Life has a way of surprising us, doesn't it? And I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Neither would," I responded.

"I love you, Mrs. Valentino, " Dominic said.

"And I love you, Mr. Valentino, " I said as I looked up at Dominic and kissed him.

And with that, our new chapter began, and I knew in my heart that it would be the most beautiful one yet.

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