Chapter 38

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Dominic POV

Everything seemed to blur around to me as Zayden delivered the devastating news. My heart pounded in my chest, and a cold dread gripped me. Daisy and Lily are in the hospital, and my mind raced to comprehend what happened.

"What do you mean they're in the hospital? What happened?" I demanded, my voice laced with desperation and anger.

Zayden took a deep breath, trying to steady himself before responding. "There was an ambush, Dominic. One of our men was found dead, and Rigo is in critical condition." Zayden explained.

My world shattered as the weight of those words hit me. My mind raced, trying to make sense of the incomprehensible.

Without wasting another moment,  Zayden and I rushed to the hospital. Fear and anguish coursed through my veins, overshadowed by an insatiable need to find answers and ensure the safety of Daisy and Lily.

As we arrived at the hospital, my heart sank further when I learned that Lily was undergoing surgery due to a gunshot wound. The sheer thought of my innocent sister enduring such pain fueled my rage. Then a nurse told me  Daisy was being checked out by a doctor at that moment.

I decided to visit Rigo, hoping to uncover the truth amidst the chaos. As I entered Rigo's hospital room. "What the hell happened, Rigo? I want the truth," I demanded.

Rigo, his voice weakened and strained, began recounting the events. His words dripped with venom as he painted Daisy as a traitor. "She shot us, Dominic. Both of us. I barely survived. I always knew she was trouble. She's working with Vladimir. Before i lost consciousness, i heard them speaking. Vladimir told Daisy to kill Lily, she kissed him and agreed." Rigo claimed.

My mind reeled, trying to process the gravity of Rigo's accusations. Doubt and betrayal consumed me, but before I could fully comprehend the situation, my phone buzzed. I received a video, and as I watched it, my heart sank deeper into despair.

The footage showed Daisy and Lily, and it appeared as if Daisy had pulled Lily in front of her and fired the shot. I felt as if my head was spinning, and my whole world just crashed down on me. Confusion battled with grief within my mind, tearing me apart.

"She used you Dominic. Daisy is a skilled manipulator. She knew your weakness, your vulnerability. She played you like a puppet, and Lily was just collateral damage. I wanted to say something but you were blinded by her and now look what happened. Lily is fighting for her life. I always thought it was suspicious that she's the one who found her when she was kidnapped. They planned everything. She deceived you Dominic." Rigo said adding more fuel to my rage.

Rigo's words echoed in my ears, fueling the fire of anger. My thoughts were clouded by rage and a thirst for revenge. The mere thought that Daisy could deceive me, manipulate me, and orchestrate such a heinous act was unfathomable.

Then Zayden, hesitated and said  "Dominic, there must be more to this. We can't rmake these accusations. We owe it to Daisy to hear her side," Zayden urged, his eyes filled with caution.

My gaze darted between Zayden and Rigo, i was conflicted and torn between the weight of betrayal and the flicker of doubt that Zayden's words had ignited within me. The room felt suffocating as the conflicting emotions waged war wedged in my heart.

"Zayden, I can't believe you're defending her after what we just saw," I snapped, his voice laced with frustration. "She shot Lily. How can you even suggest there's more to this?"

Zayden held his ground, his expression resolute. "Dominic, we've know Daisy. I don't think she's capable of doing this. She's been loyal, caring, and devoted to you and Lily. We can't dismiss that based on one video alone. There must be an explanation—a reason."

I turned to Zayden, my eyes burning with a mixture of anger and anguish. "Zayden, after everything we've been through, how can you defend her? I loved her, trusted her, and she—"

"Dominic, let's gather more evidence. Let's not rush to conclusions without giving Daisy a chance to explain herself. We owe her that much." Zayden said.

"Boss if I may. Please take no offense, but you but you are the Don of the Italian Mafia. You have to take proper revenge on Daisy. She betrayed you, I don't know why Zayden is defending her, he may be going soft, but you can't do that boss. The evidence is there boss. She's obviously is going to deny everything and you cant be caught fooled twice boss. She has to suffer worse than any other prisoner." Rigo said his words filled with venom.
"Shut up Rigo we need to speak to Daisy first before......" Zayden said.

"Ok I've heard enough. I've made my decision" I said cutting Zayden off. Zayden nodded and followed me as I exited the room.

"Boss, before you leave, If you want revenge, there's only one way. Return her to her father. Let him deal with her," Rigo suggested, his words laced with a sinister intent.

I nodded and walked out of the room, heading down the hall to speak to Daisy.

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