Chapter 47

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Daisy POV

I made my way to the garden,I was so excited to see Anthony. As I sat there, I heard footsteps approaching, and I looked up to see Anthony. Rising slowly, we embraced, cherishing the familiarity of our connection. More footsteps followed, and I noticed a few of Dominic's men surrounding us, their presence, a precautionary measure.

"Daisy, are you okay?" Anthony asked, his concern evident.

"I should be asking you the same question," I responded, grateful for his genuine care.

"Of course, I'm okay, Daisy. I was just worried about you," he reassured me, his affection unwavering.

"I was worried about you too. I feared something might happen to you, especially after you confronted Dominic," I admitted, my concern for both of them surfacing.

Anthony smiled at the mention of their confrontation. "He deserved it. I wanted to do it the moment I saw him, but you asked me not to. However, after we talked, we both agreed that he deserved it. So, I gave him a beating," Anthony explained, a hint of pride in his voice.

Shaking my head, I voiced my disagreement. "Violence isn't always the answer, Anthony," I gently reproached him.

"I know, Daisy. But your boyfriend had it coming after everything he did," he replied, justifying his actions.

"He's not my boyfriend anymore," I clarified, asserting my stance.

His face contorted with anger. "You're right. That bastard is engaged. How are you dealing with all of this?" he inquired, his concern palpable.

"I'm fine," I lied, trying to maintain composure.

"Don't lie to me, Daisy. You know I can always tell. It's one of the skills that made me one of the best assassins," he said, his perceptive nature coming to the forefront.

"I don't really want to talk about it right now, Anthony," I evaded the topic, not ready to confront the complexity of my emotions.

"Okay, but remember, I'm here for you. Even though these goons around us think they can stop me, if you want to get out of this place, you know I could make it happen," he offered, provoking a defensive reaction from Dominic's men, who grew tense at his words.

"No, that's not necessary at the moment. But I appreciate your support," I thanked him sincerely.

He winked playfully. "Anytime, sweetheart," he replied, emphasizing our unshakable bond. "So, when is my grandchild due?" he inquired, shifting the focus to a more joyous topic.

"I had a check-up today. The doctor said I have two weeks before they have to induce labor, but everything else is okay," I shared, relaying the positive news. Anthony had taken on the role of my father figure during our time together, and he embraced the prospect of being a grandfather to my child. I cherished his presence and the support he provided.

"Well, I have to get going, Daisy. Here's my new number. Call me if you need anything," he said, handing me his contact information. As he helped me stand, we exchanged a warm hug.

"Thank you, Anthony. Please visit me more often," I requested, yearning for his familiar presence.

"Of course, Daisy. And remember, I'm always just a phone call away," he reassured me before walking away, leaving me with a mixture of gratitude and hope.

I made my way inside the house and walked to the living room. Even though I knew I didn't do much today, I felt exhausted, so I sat down and watched TV before I dosed off.

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