Chapter 56

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Daisy POV

"Okay, I'll start from the beginning," Dominic began. "After what happened with Rigo, I knew there had to be another traitor, but I didn't know who. That's when I started taking extra safety precautions, and I'm glad I did," he explained. "Over the last couple of weeks, I've been dealing with a lot of problems regarding my shipments lately, and I've been receiving numerous death threats," he said.

"Death threats?" I asked, my voice filled with worry.

"Yes, it's actually quite common for me to receive them, but the recent threats were specifically targeted towards you and the babies," he said, his tone filled with anger. "They threatened to take away what I cared about the most, so I decided to try and divert those threats," he continued.

"How?" I asked, curious to know his plan.

"I thought the best way to do that was to make them believe I had a new interest. That's when I decided to propose to Isabella. I believed that if they thought I was in love with her, they would stop the threats towards you and babies," he explained.

He let out a sigh and continued, "I know I hurt you, and I'm truly sorry for that. I thought I had to do it, at least I thought so at the time. It seemed like it worked. The threats I received were now focused on Isabella, but something felt off," he admitted.

I whispered, barely able to speak, "What do you mean?"

"I had a gut feeling about what was really going on, but I needed proof. So I continued with the charade. Even Zayden didn't know what was happening, and believe me, he gave me a hard time for hurting you. Not that I didn't deserve it. I felt like scum for hurting you, but I needed to move forward with my plan," he confessed. "What I didn't expect was the attack on the house," he said, his voice filled with anger.

"How was that possible? I thought your house was practically impenetrable," I said, remembering the extensive security measures he had in place.

"It was, but that just proved I had another mole. Someone was feeding information to one of my enemies, and they used that to attack the house," he explained.

"Was it Vladimir?" I asked, recalling that he was Dominic's biggest enemy.

"Yes, he was behind the attack. I just didn't know who was helping him, although I had a hunch," Dominic confirmed.

"After we managed to contain the attack and regain control, I received a call that made my blood run cold. They told me they found you at the bottom of the stairs, unconscious," he said, his voice strained. "I rushed to the living room and waited for the ambulance to arrive and take you to the hospital. Meanwhile, Zayden went to the safe room, and to my surprise, Lily and Isabella were there," he continued.

I tried to interject, but Dominic raised his hand, signaling for me to let him finish. "Please let me finish, I promise I know everything that happened. You don't have to explain anything to me," he said, and I nodded, allowing him to continue.

"I accompanied you in the ambulance to the hospital. They performed an emergency C-section, and thankfully, the babies were delivered safely and in good health," he said, his voice wavering. "Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said about you. The doctors didn't know the full extent of your injuries, and the fact that you were in a coma made things even worse," he said, the strain evident in his voice. "Even tho it was extremely difficult, on Saturday I had to go back home
and deal with everything that had happened with the attack. Before I left, I had the chance to hold our kids, and believe me, it took everything I had to leave you and our kids alone here at the hospital, but I needed to catch the rat and bring Vladimir to justice," he explained.

A tear ran down my face, grateful that Dominic cared about our children.

"When I got home, I went straight to Lily. She finally spoke to me and told me what happened, but Isabella told me a different story. Unfortunately, I had to pretend not to believe Lily and take Isabella's side," he said, his voice filled with regret. "After all of this, I don't know if I've lost Lily too," he admitted.

"She's your sister. She'll forgive you," I reassured him, hoping to provide some comfort.

"I hope so. Anyway, I did all of this because I knew Isabella had something to do with all of this; I just didn't know what. When the attack happened, everyone thought the cameras and security were hacked and didn't work, but what they didn't know was that I had installed a second security system," he revealed. "On Sunday, I showed up at my so-called wedding with Isabella. I spoke to Isabella's father and told them I needed to speak with them before the ceremony. They were confused but agreed," he continued. "You see, I always had a gut feeling that Isabella and her father were working with Vladimir; I just didn't have proof at the time. But thanks to my additional security measures, I obtained the evidence I needed," he said. "I had both Isabella and her father followed. Fortunately, after the attack, they led me to Vladimir's location, and then I had him and his men followed, and I was able to stop Vladimir and dismantle his business," he concluded.

"What did you do?" I asked, both curious and concerned.

Dominic's voice turned grim as he replied, "I did something I'm not proud of, but I did it to protect the only family I had left. Believe me when I say I don't regret it. All you need to know is that they will never threaten us again," he said. "So when I met with Isabella and her father, they didn't know at the time that Vladimir was gone. I showed them the footage of their involvement with Vladimir and the moment Isabella pushed you down the stairs," Dominic said, his voice filled with rage.

"What did you do to them?" I asked, bracing myself for his response.

"I killed them. I shot them," Dominic confessed. "And I'd do it again. I wanted them to suffer, I truly did, but I couldn't. I needed to come to the hospital to see you, to see you and our kids," he said, his voice laden with emotion.

Dominic and I sat in silence for what felt like an eternity. Finally, the nurse interrupted us, reminding us that it was time for my medication. She administered the meds through the IV and advised us to call it a night as they would make me drowsy. As the effects of the medication started to take hold, I noticed Dominic's concern.

"Go to sleep, Daisy. We'll talk tomorrow," he said gently, and I drifted off to sleep, feeling a sense of comfort knowing he was by my side.

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