Chapter 36

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Daisy POV

The reality of being pregnant was still sinking in. Motherhood was something I had never envisioned for myself, but now that I knew, I couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and excitement. However, I couldn't shake off the worry about Dominic's reaction. I had decided that it would be best to tell him about the pregnancy at our wedding, creating a beautiful surprise for him.

"Daisy," Dominic's voice interrupted my thoughts, and I looked up to meet his gaze. We were meeting with the wedding planner, who had just shown us the progress made so far.

"I'm liking everything so far," I remarked, expressing my satisfaction.

Dominic nodded in agreement as the wedding planner left the room. It was then that I remembered I needed to discuss something important with Dominic.

"Dominic," I said, catching his attention as he turned towards me.

"Yes, my love?" he responded, his voice filled with warmth.

I smiled at him and gathered my courage to address the topic. "I wanted to talk to you about something," I began.

Curiosity glinted in his eyes as he asked, "What is it?"

Taking a deep breath, I continued, "I was wondering if it would be okay if Anthony walked me down the aisle."

Dominic furrowed his brows, clearly puzzled. "Anthony, who?" he inquired.

"Anthony, your employee. He's been around here quite often," I explained, trying to jog his memory.

"I know one Anthony, but I don't think it's the same person you're referring to," he replied, still confused.

Thinking back, I recalled a nickname I had heard Rigo use for him, which was "Snip." Dominic's reaction made me realize something. "Well, umm, I once overheard someone call him Snip," I mentioned, and Dominic's eyes widened with surprise. Something was definitely amiss.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned by his sudden reaction.

"Tell me how you got acquainted with Anthony," Dominic requested, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

I recounted our encounters, how we would often run into each other in the garden, how he approached me, and how we bonded over shared experiences and personal stories, including the tragedy that had befallen his family. Dominic seemed taken aback by my description of Anthony.

"I can't believe it," he murmured, his expression filled with shock.

Confused and seeking answers, I pressed further. "Why? Dominic, what's going on?" I questioned, desperate for clarity.

"I just can't believe Anthony actually opened up to you. He barely says a few words to me. Everyone here knows him as the complete opposite of what you just described," he admitted, still trying to come to terms with the information.

"Dominic, Anthony never wanted to disclose what he did for you. Can you tell me?" I asked, urging him to reveal the truth.

"It's related to the Mafia business," he replied vaguely. Dominic had always preferred to shield me from the darker aspects of his world, keeping me blissfully unaware.

Suspecting as much, I persisted, "I figured as much. Can you elaborate on what he does?" I pushed, hoping for a glimpse into Dominic's reality. "I understand you don't like discussing these matters with me, but as your future wife, shouldn't I know at least some things? I can't remain oblivious to everything happening around me."

Acknowledging my point, Dominic relented. "You're right, Daisy. Anthony is a skilled assassin. He carries out many of the Mafia's unsavory tasks. He is exceptionally proficient with guns, which is why they call him Snip. He's renowned as the best sniper in the business," he revealed. The revelation left me stunned. The same Anthony I regarded as a father figure had such a dangerous profession.

"I can't believe we're talking about the same person," I murmured, trying to process this stark contrast.

"Neither can I. After what happened to his family, he became completely closed off from everyone, seldom uttering more than a few words. He grew even more lethal than before. I'm genuinely astonished that he opened up to you and formed a bond," Dominic confessed, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and admiration.

Attempting to comprehend Anthony's transformation, I spoke up. "Well, he isn't entirely bad. He lost his family, just like you did. He was lost himself. Perhaps he approached me because I reminded him of his daughter. That might be why he felt compelled to connect," I suggested, trying to find some solace amidst the revelations.

Dominic nodded in understanding. "Given what you now know about him, do you still want Anthony to walk you down the aisle?" he inquired.

"Of course, I do. While I understand he may have engaged in questionable activities, it doesn't change the bond we've formed. He has been more of a father figure to me than my own father ever was," I affirmed, my determination unwavering.

"If that's what you want, then I see no problem with it," Dominic acquiesced, a warm smile gracing his lips.

"Thank you, Dominic," I expressed my gratitude, standing up and leaning in to kiss him.

Glancing at my watch, my eyes widened in realization. "It's time to pick up Lily. I promised her I would fetch her from school and take her to the mall."

"Daisy, you know how I feel about the two of you going out without me," Dominic voiced his concern, his protectiveness evident.

Understanding his worry, I reassured him. "I know, but Lily really wants to browse through some dresses for her upcoming recital. Why don't you come with us?" I suggested, hoping he would change his mind.

"I can't. I have an important meeting later," he sighed, his obligations weighing on him.

"Please, Dominic. We'll take a few of your men along, ensuring our safety. We'll be back before you know it," I pleaded, hoping he would grant us this small adventure.

Reluctantly, he relented. "Fine. Just be careful," he conceded, caution lacing his words.

"I promise we'll take every precaution," I assured him, leaning in to give him a final kiss before making my way out, heading towards Lily's school to pick her up.

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