Chapter 14

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Daisy POV

As usual, avoiding Dominic wasn't a hard task because it seemed like he was never home.

It was Saturday, and I spent all day with Lily. I tried my best to put on a brave face for her. However, that was hard to keep up whenever I saw her brother.

Lily was taking a nap, and I decided to take a shower. I got into the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I put on my bra and panties and noticed the scar I had from the bullet I received. The doctor had removed the stiches, and I had a small scar.

Then I looked down, and the saw the rest of my scars scattered across my body. All these scars were given to me by my so-called dad. He would always beat me for no reason, even tho I would always obey him and do everything he asked of me.

He always told me that if I ever ran away, he would find me. That's why it took me so long to leave my home.

I wondered what would happen if he found me now. My father was always into shady business. That's why the police never did anything to him. But what would happen if he found me now? Would Dominic let my father take me? I knew Dominic had to be in shady business, too. Why else would he have kidnapped me and threatened to kill me if I didn't take this job as a nanny. I wondered exactly what kind of shady business he was in?

A knock interrupted my thoughts. "I'll be out in a second, Lily. I'm just. " Before I could finish that sentence, the door swung open, and in came Dominic. My eyes went wide, and I was instantly horrified. "Dominic, I'm changing!" I yelled at him.

He, however, did not say a word. He was looking at me as I tried to cover myself with my arms. I felt so self-conscious and uncomfortable. He seemed lost in thought, and before I could yell at him, he asked, "How did you get those scars?"

I looked down and completely forgot about my scars. I was so worried about Dominic seeing me without clothes on that I forgot about my scars. "It doesn't matter. Now, can you please get out and let me change?" I said.

"No, I'm not leaving until you tell me," he said. Before I could respond, I could hear Lily calling my name. Dominic looked mad and walked towards my door. "This conversation isn't over," he said before he walked out the door and closed it.

I let out a breath I didn't know I had, and quickly changed into my clothes. I walked out to see what Lily wanted.

"Hey, do you want to see a movie?" she asked.

I smiled at her. "Sure, that sounds great," I said.

We spent all evening watching movies, and then Lily fell asleep.

I carried her to her room and put her to bed.

I went to my room and tried to fall asleep, but I couldn't.

I decided to go out in the garden. I sat in my favorite spot and looked at the moon and the stars. Then, out of nowhere, I heard distant sounds. It sounded like someone was screaming. I walked towards the noise and noticed it was coming from the basement.  It was the same place I first was when Dominic brought me here.

As I got closer, the screams got louder and louder. I was having a mental battle if I should open the door or not. I decided to go against my instincts and opened the door.
I slowly walked down the stairs of the barley light basement and made it to a long hall. I walked all the way down the hall, and to my horror, I saw a man tied
to the same chair I was tied to.

He was naked and bleeding from everywhere, and right next to him was none other than Dominic, and Rigo was next to him. They didn't notice me because before I knew it, Dominic grabbed the gun and shot the man right in the head.

I tried to control myself, but I couldn't. I screamed, and Dominic and Rigo turned to look at me.

Dominic looked really mad and yelled, "What the hell are you doing here?" That's the last thing I heard before everything went black.

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