chapter 12

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Dominic POV

I was standing outside Daisy's door, knocking repeatedly but there was no response. I tried the handle, but it was locked. Irritated, I decided to use my key to open it, but before I could, I heard someone approaching.

It was Lily, one of my employees. "Hey Lils, have you seen Daisy?" I asked her.

"Yeah, she said she wanted to go outside for a bit," she replied.

"Ok. I'll go find her," I said.

"Do you think something is wrong with her, D?" Lily asked me.

"What do you mean, Lils?" I asked.

"Daisy is sad all the time. She has been for a while. Ever since I saw her crying that one time," she replied.

I was taken aback by what she said. "When did you see her crying, Lils?" I asked, curious.

"I saw her walking away from your office one day, and she was crying. Then I went to the stairs to see what was wrong with her, and she said she had allergies and that she wasn't feeling well and that she needed to go outside for a bit. She's been doing that ever since then. I see her sad all the time, and I don't want her to be sad anymore, but I don't know what to do," she said.

"Me either," I said. "I'll be back in a little while, Lils," I said before heading off to look for Daisy.

I searched around the entire building but couldn't find her. I called Peter, the man in charge of the security cameras, and asked where Daisy was. He told me she was in the main garden, so I hurried there.

When I arrived, I saw Daisy sitting alone on a bench, her eyes red and swollen from crying. I sat down next to her and noticed she flinched at my presence.

"Daisy," I said softly, trying to get her to look at me.

She tried to stand up, but I stopped her. "Daisy, please sit," I said gently.

She didn't say anything and looked down, wiping the tears from her face.

"Daisy, I'm sorry," I said, hoping to break the ice. "I know you heard the conversation I had with Zayden. I know that's why you've been avoiding me, and I'm worried about you."

She still didn't say anything, but I could sense her unease.

"Daisy, please. I can't stand you ignoring me," I said, growing more anxious.

She finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "Mr. Valentino, I honestly don't know what you want me to say. I am a simple employee. Nothing else. You don't have to worry about me. No one ever has before, and I don't need anyone worrying about me now," she said, her words laced with pain.

"Daisy, please. I'm sorry about what you heard that day. I didn't mean it. Truth is, I care about you," I said, hoping to get through to her.

But she still wouldn't look at me. "You don't have to apologize for anything, Mr. Valentino. This is what you wanted. You wanted to avoid me, so I made things easier," she said, her voice breaking.

"No, Daisy, I don't want to avoid you. I thought I did. I thought I wanted to hide my feelings towards you. But not seeing you, not seeing your smile. It broke me," I said

"I dont understand, Mr...."

"Please stop calling, Mr. Valentino, I can't stand it. Call me Dominic, " I said, and I put my forehead on hers.

"Dominic, I don't know what you want me to say," she said, and then I smashed my lips on hers.

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