Chapter 46

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Daisy POV

I woke up in Dominic's arms, my mind reeling from the events of last night. Slowly pulling away from him, I couldn't help but notice the captivating smile on his face. "Good morning, my love," he greeted me. But I couldn't let myself get lost in his charm.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sensing my distant demeanor.

"I meant what I said, Dominic. Last night was a mistake, a one-time thing. Please, don't call me any nicknames," I firmly expressed.

Dominic sat up, his face filled with concern. "Daisy..." he began to speak.

Avoiding his gaze, I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. How could I have slept with a man who was engaged to someone else? "Dominic, why can't you let me stay somewhere else?" I asked, my voice filled with sorrow.

"It's too dangerous out there, Daisy. With your due date approaching, I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby," he explained, his worry evident.

"Do you regret what happened last night?" he asked, searching for answers.

"No, I don't regret it. But I feel incredibly guilty. Even if you say you don't love Isabella, you're still engaged to her, and we shouldn't have crossed that line," I confessed, wiping away a tear.

"Believe me when I say my lawyers are working tirelessly to find a way out of that stupid contract," he assured me, frustration evident in his voice.

"What if you can't find a way out? Isabella told me you two were planning to get married soon. What then?" I inquired, my heart torn between conflicting emotions.

"If that day comes, I won't marry her. I would rather face the consequences than be with her," he declared, his tone resolute.

"What are those consequences?" I pressed, wanting to understand the full extent of the situation.

"It's nothing for you to worry about," he deflected, avoiding a direct answer.

Realizing he wouldn't divulge further, I decided not to push the matter.

Shifting the conversation, Dominic said "Zayden is arriving in a few days. He's really excited to see you."

I couldn't contain my excitement at the thought of seeing him again after his mission kept him away for so long.

"I'm thrilled to see him. I've missed him so much," I shared, a smile gracing my face. But then a thought struck me. "Dominic, when can I see Anthony?" I asked.

"Whenever you'd like. But remember, there will be others accompanying you both. I know it may seem controlling, but I can't have you leaving in your condition. We can discuss other options once you've given birth, but for now, I want you here," he explained, his protectiveness evident.

"Okay, I understand. Thank you for letting me see Anthony," I expressed my gratitude, knowing that Dominic's concerns stemmed from a place of care.

"Uh Dominic. What happened to the people involved in.... well you know" I said referring to the people involved in framing me and shooting Lily.

"They're all dead" he said with a serious face.

"Rigo?" I asked

"Dead" he said.

I took a moment to process the information, finding an unexpected sense of relief instead of sadness. "And my father?" I cautiously asked, bracing myself for the answer.

After a brief hesitation, Dominic replied, "He's dead too, Daisy. And I don't regret it."

Although the news should have stirred sadness, I found relief in the confirmation. There was a weight lifted off my shoulders, knowing that he could no longer hurt me or those I cared about. Just as I processed the emotions, I felt a flutter in my stomach. Dominic noticed my reaction and asked about it, concerned.

"It's the baby. It's kicking," I said, a smile forming as I placed his hand on my stomach.

His face lit up with joy. "Well, look at that," he exclaimed, wearing a broad grin.

"Do you know if it's a boy or girl?" he inquired, curiosity evident in his voice.

"No, I wanted it to be a surprise. So I always asked the doctor not to tell me," I replied, relishing in the anticipation.

Dominic nodded, accepting my choice. "Speaking of doctors, you have a check-up today. I've arranged for a gynecologist to come and ensure everything's okay with you and the baby."

"That's fine. I appreciate your concern," I acknowledged, grateful for his efforts. "Well, I'm going to wake Lily up and get her ready for her tutoring session," I announced, mustering the energy to carry out my responsibilities despite the challenges of being nine months pregnant.

"You don't have to do that, Daisy," Dominic protested, concerned for my well-being.

"As long as I'm here, I want to be useful. Being pregnant won't stop me from being somewhat productive," I declared, determined to contribute despite my physical limitations. Ignoring his sigh of worry, I changed and made my way to Lily's room.

After waking her up and helping her get ready, we descended the stairs together to have breakfast. Once her tutor arrived, I waited downstairs for the doctor's visit. Thankfully, he reassured me that everything looked fine, and I still had a two-week margin before they would induce labor. He provided his contact information, encouraging me to reach out if I had any further questions.

Dominic texted me, informing me that Anthony would be coming by at 3 pm. My heart swelled with joy at the thought of finally reuniting with him.

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