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Hello guys!!! 😊😊

Firstly i would like to thank all of you as we are 1k now🥳🥳, i don't know how to express what I'm feeling right now but i would be saying that I'm really really grateful for the love you all showed to this book🙇 , and stay tuned with me 👉...

You can follow me if you like my book and wanna read my next one ...thx again 🥰🥰


" are they asleep"Xavier asked seeing Kavin coming out of kids room , he nodded lightly and walk to terrace without saying anything to clear his mind .

Xavier sigh looking at his sad form and followed him , kevin look at moon that's shining in dark sky spreading his light everywhere

" do you also think i failed Sofia" kevin asked without looking at him

" ofcourse not why are you saying that, your best that they have and they're happy to have you as their father"

" then why did Noah did that? why didn't he shared everything with me instead of believing on an outsider and distancing himself from me ? if i would have been approachable enough then he would have told me everything long ago , i must have lack somewhere that's why he doesn't trust me ." Kevin turn to him and his pain and suffering is clearly reflecting in his teary eyes

" don't forget he's still a child kevin ...a 3 year old child so don't think like you didn't make them comfortable enough to share everything with you or you are lacking somewhere in their upbringing .... instead it's easier to manipulate his mind and you know that Sofia is his last boundary, he's sensitive about his mamma so it's making it lot easier for Milly to spoil his mind or to make him insecure. so don't blame yourself wholely but your mistake was to not approach him and scolding him about his mischievous or behaviour rather than listening him and understanding him , so learn something from it and don't repeat your mistakes again" Xavier patted his  shoulder, Kavin look at him for good seconds before running hand through his hairs he sigh and said

" i get it ...i know...well thanks man, i don't know how you have solution of every problem...i must say you surely have ways with words " he smiled lightly

" is the great Kavin praising me " Xavier smirked teasingly

" go away ,you don't deserve it " kevin scowled making Xavier laugh and he hugged him lightly before patting his head

"go to bed it's late" and cautiously take few steps back but before he run away Kavin kicked his leg and slapped him on shoulder

" yeah  I'm not a child " Kavin shouted making him laugh even more

"yeah yeah if you say so " and with that he run away followed by Kavin who's trying to catch him but he's quicker to lock his room after entering making Kavin kick his door in frustration before going to his room , Xavier laughed at his behaviour and went to his bed , he sighed and sit down opening his phone. A tear roll down his cheeks looking down at his and Sofia's smiling photo, it was clicked on her reception, he still remember how happy she was that day and how happy he was to see his baby sister like that...but unfortunately they just can't be together he think that if that day he was more fast and if he could have reached the rooftop just a few seconds early his sister would be here with them with him, with her husband, with her kids...just few seconds

A heartbreaking sob escaped from his throat and he broke down in tears and memory lane , in front of his family and friends he could pretend to be strong for them to be strong, but when he is alone he felt like everything is suffocating him and nothing make point...not even his existence, it felt like he failed his sister, she did so much for him , she endured so much for him and he ? He was never with her whenever she's in need .. never, she was always fighting alone and he can really felt how she used to feel when he was lying on the bed unconscious, how despite being everyone around no one can really help you.

He was hiding his face in his hands badly hiccuping , it's like a baby is sitting in a dark room which is killing him slowly and he want someone to come and pull him out of there by holding his hand but unfortunat... He look up at his phone as it rang loudly, looking at Caller id he sniffed and cleared his throat while wiping his eyes, with a deep breath he attended the call , he like down on bed putting the phone on speaker

" Hello sir, you there?" An angelic voice come from other side making him close his eyes and he can feel how visible relax he's feeling

" keep Speaking" he said in a husky voice, person on other side frowned hearing his voice, worry is visible on her face but gulping her words she bite her lips like stoping herself from asking if he's alright or not as she doesn't have that right and the relationship between them is professional then personal

" A..Actually i didn't wanted to disturb you at this late but Miss Cani is just not taking breath and is constantly calling me to ask you if you are free Tomorrow or day after tomorrow or any other day ,  i don't want to middle in your matter or anything but sir she's just so annoying , i mean if someone is telling you they don't know anything about it then is it too hard to understand, she just kept annoying till i didn't agree to call you.. I don't get a thing if you don't mind can I ask you please? " A smile formed on Xavier's lips automatically and he bited his lips to stop himself from laughing, it's always like this with her she will always start professionally but then when it go south she herself don't know, but it's not like he don't enjoy it , infact he enjoy her rants the most ... She's the only light in his dark room

" What " he asked softly and like she's only waiting for this and she again started talking

" She says that she have your number but then the very next day she's disturbing me to call you with her personal matter related to you , do she think I'm as free as she is ? " Xavier frowned irritatingly when she said personal matter as there isn't any from the beginning but still he didn't stopped her and is seriously listening her meaningless talk ...

with a sigh Kevin fall on  bed thinking about everything while he stared at a photo on front wall of Sofia with a small smile

"i guess i need break to spend some time with boys fia "

"i love you fia "

and don't know when did he fall asleep looking at her who's smiling at him .

"daddy daddy" kevin stired in sleep getting disturb with the movement around him ,he finally opened his eyes seeing Leo and Noah jumping on his bed while shouting his name

he frowned and pull both of them while standing up " so you're having fun distrubing my sleep huh? let me give you some more than" and with that he started tickling them making them laugh trying to stop him .

outside standing Xavier and Kyle smile looking at trio and prayed for their smiles before leaving

kevin helped them fresh up and he himself get ready, taking them down he served them there breakfast

" so i was thinking to take you both on a trip as your summer break are starting,so where do you want to go" kevin said observing there reaction which made him happy looking at there now happy face

"lake house" they both shouted making all of them laugh

"so are you taking us as well brother" Kyle asked in cnoxing tone making him raise his eyebrows but with a smirk he said

"yeah ofcourse why not if you are taking yourself as a kid "

and like that there bickering started and laughing and smiling they spended time with eachother preparing for tomorrow's trip ....

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