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Glass door behind Grayson opened and two police officers come quickly to hold him and Jonathan got free, he walk away from him putting his hand on his neck caressing it lightly.

Lady police came and hold Anna, she tried to get herself free from their hold and started shouting " how dare you touch me? Don't you know who are you holding? Let me free you bitch"

"Miss Anna we have every evidence to arrest you, so please cooperate " one of them said helplessly

" the hell you have, you don't have warrant to arrest me. You came here for them not for me " she said pointing to raveena and Grayson

" actually the thing is they are here for you, evidence, warrant, allegations and this whole drama is only for you. I'm just doing my part of job simple as that " raveena shrugged her shoulders Carelessly

" you bitch that mean from the very starting you are betraying me, plotting against me. I'm not going to leave you " Grayson said Angrily and try to get out of their hold but even after trying so much nothing happened.

Ravenna unflinching look at both of them, there helplessness is satisfying her and she felt like now she can die peaceful. Today she finally averaged her only bestfriend , she look back at sofia who was hiding herself in Kevin's arms and Xavier who's giving orders to inspector very seriously.

She smiled lightly and said in her heart  ' Sakina see your babies are finally grow up and they are just like you smart and kind. If you look at sofia she's like you are looking at yourself, she's your carbon copy not only by looks but temperament and attitude is also Same. And Xavier well he recovered from his previous injuries and weakness, he's also a very strong guy. I'm very happy that they inherited you and not their father who's way to useless to be even their father, today your murderer is also arrested so now my work here is done and they are safe now not like they needed me before anyway . But still I tried my best to take care of them although I know it still not enough for the kindness you showed me. I had undergone so many surgeries just to see this one moment and I feel content to see them happy But now I've to go, I should leave maybe I also can spend my life peacefully somewhere. '

She tried to left peacefully but looking at them she walk to them and said " I should be going now, I've flight to catch"

Sofia wanted to ask her so many things but she's don't have any power right now to do any thing, Kevin is the one who is supporting her.

Sofia nodded and said " call us if you need anything and sorry for my behavior I misunderstood you"

Ravenna smiled and shake her head lightly " don't worry I didn't help much anyway. Now stay safe and happy" she turn to Xavier and nodded, he smiled and asked to give her lift but she denied him  politely and left from there.

On other hand police officers are taking them out but Anna turn to sofia and said " don't celebrate too fast it's not over yet, I'll be back to tell you who I'm. You have to face the same thing your mother did, Mark my words" hatred is clear in her eyes her voice so strong to think her threat is hollow.

Sofia take a deep breath to control her emotions if it was a normal time and then she would have said that she wouldn't even have take her seriously but now it's different, right now she's already emotionally shaken and is sensitive that little to little thing is effecting her, so did this threat.

Kevin hide her head in his chest tightening his hold around her, Xavier shouted looking at sofia's condition " take her away" he instructed Kevin to take her upstair in her room, he nodded and walk out taking her in his arms.

Till then Xavier take care of other formalities and forced his 'dear family' to leave as sofia need to take proper rest. After some arguments they left when they saw him not buzzing.

Xavier go up to check on sofia, he opened the door there sofia was fast asleep holding on to Kevin's hand while he is sitting with her head on his lap soothing her hairs lightly . Xavier is very satisfied to see them like this, not that he don't trust on his friend with his sister but that he's in coma for whole five years and in long span of time anyone can change...but now he don't have to worry about his little tiger

Kevin look at him suddenly and try to stand up but Xavier stopped him, showing his hand and signal him by hand gestures that they will talk later.

Kevin weirdly look at his smiling face but still nodded, with that Xavier come out closing door behind him. Hoping everything go well afterward....


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