many secrets

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"Kevin why don't you think again, I mean I'll be fine staying alone" I again try to make him understand that I'll be fucking fine by myself specifically in that house ...But hell he get it

"I'm more than Sure that I don't want to leave you alone at least not in your current state " and he again refused to step back, fine then what else can I do now

That fucking state of mine!! I swear to God if it was someone else rather than my bloody dad then Staven would've let someone take care of his dead body by now

For last five years there's no father - daughter relationship between us maybe it was already creaked nine years ago when he cheated on my mother but now that's completely breaked for five years

Kevin stopped the car in front of that house and look at me with a sweet smile.. Oh how much I missed it " Let's go sweetheart" he said and opened my side door, helping me out gently and carefully not to hurt me he's treating me like a Fragile doll since I wake up like I'll breakdown into pieces with one wrong touch... And I'll be lieing if I say I'm not enjoying it

" why don't you carry me inside " I said teasingly and extended my hands in air like a child I even don't know why I'm behaving like a spoilt brat which I clearly am not

He looked at me with amusement before smiling and said" I don't believe you are still the great ice princess everyone afraid of massing with in business world " and took out our bags from back, I looked at him sadly for ignoring me

" kev " I whined stomping my feet lightly " no one care for the lost soul like me oh god are you there to listen my misery " I said dramatically earning a sexy chuckle from him.. Wait!! Did I just say sexy? Fucking God what's happening with me?

He take a step closer to me and said near my ear " babe if you want any other service too then don't hesitate to ask as you know your would be husband is great in many other things too... You know what I mean or do you want to see it?" and bite my earlobe little before picking me up in his arms

I hide my face in his hard chest and punch him little " Shameless" I said only for him to chuckle, oh how much I want to beat him I bet by now my face is looking like a freaking beetroot

I type the password before entering in he put me down on sofa and leave to carry our luggage but not before ruffling my hairs only to irritate me as he knows how much I hate when someone do that with my hairs " yeahhhh" I shouted on him, he laughed whole heartedly and trust its the most beautiful music for my ears

I look around at interior of the house, there's nothing is as simple as it is look like so many secrets are hidden between these walls and that's the only reason I don't want Kevin to come along with Me here.

That is the house which take whole four years to build up the way it is now or if I say only one room take its three years alone

I walk upstairs to the master bedroom and look around everything is looking so simple and elegant but that's what hide the mystery in it or I say truth.. A better one like poison Which can kill me if it come out but since when I start to care about myself.

I walk to a specific panting looking at its beauty closely that can do wonders to anyone's mood but looking at it I only have one feeling and that is... Longing for..

"Fia " Kevin's shout brought me out of my thoughts I walk out of there to living room again not before taking a glass of water from kitchen for him as Staven already bring everything we'll need

" What happened why are shouting " I adjusted my mood before asking him in complaining tone and give him glass

" why are you running around you are already hurt " he said and make me sit beside him I smile at him

" I'm alright, what are you afraid of " I assure him but he look in my eyes and said seriously

" I'm afraid of losing you... Again" I was shocked to see worry and sadness in his eyes " you don't know how I spend these years without you... It's feel like a body is surviving without soul, promise me we'll never be apart and you'll never leave me" he extended his hand to me, I hold it without any hesitation

"I promise I'll never go away from you where will I go leaving my home  as you are my home " and I was forced to leave my home five years ago, how much I wanted to tell him that but Again I don't want to tell him everything, I'm not ready to alive those memories again... Atleast not yet

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