fia loves me most

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"really..why?"sofia asked, sitting one leg on another and checking her newly manicured nails like its most interesting thing everyone around are shocked to see that, Chloe laughed awkwardly

" ahm.. Let me introduce myself I'm Chloe Kennedy from MK group"she said and forwarded her hand for handshake, Fia lightly raised her eyebrows and looked at her hand but didn't shake

"MK group! Interesting but still that's not my answer"fia interestingly look at her face as that's the second time she listened about MK group, she's wondering what's she's doing in her house and about fan thing she don't even think girl in front of her even know about her

"because I really admire your beauty and fit figure so many men love such a body not only that you are beauty with brain perfect combination of.."before she say anymore sofia stand up and said while adjusting her suit

"you know that's what I expected anyway their's no need to say your my fan and all when they already agreed to take you with them I literally had no objection"chloe was shocked to being face to face with sofia is hard for her she knew that but that much..

"ahm.. It's not like that Fia but if you think so then I'll not go with you all I'm sorry to disturb you all"chloe tried her last chance

"Fia what's your problem she's my friend and if she wants to go then what is wrong with it" Alice almost shouted at sofia

"firstly its sofia for you miss Chloe, Fia is only for family and friends and you are no one Hmm? And second thing is don't play any emotional card on me because it'll not work if you want you can leave this instant as no one invited you but as miss actress wants your company their then do me a favor don't talk even don't show me your face again hmm? Miss actress take her from here please"sofia said in low but dangerous voice which can easily makes one's knee weak and sit down again like nothing happened "bring me a coffee" she pointed to a maid

Everyone looking at her like they don't know who's she but still she's unaffected Chloe was fuming in anger but still controlled by smiling as she didn't get what she's here for, Alice take to show her room Alice mom also leaves behind them

Rest of them looking at Fia who's busy in her phone "ok what was that Fia" her mother asked

"What was what"fia pretend to not know anything take her coffee mug from maid putting her phone on table casually oliver laugh all of sudden catching everyone's attention

Oliver jump on Sofia's lap putting his little arms around her neck "Fia you are so cool just now I also didn't like her"sofia smile holding him by waist

" you like it give me high-five" he instantly did "that's my boy" looking at her cheerful face Kevin Clutched his Jaw how much he wants to spank this boy as it's his right to make her smile

"Fia you still didn't answer"her father asked intrupting them now sofia is in light mood so she smiled

"dad do you think your daughter is a unreasonable person she's daughter of CEO of MK group And its the same group which I found is involved in this projects which were stolen from us which you Informed me last night" she informed in front of everyone as she trust on them

"that's doesn't mean you can talk with her like that she's such a sweet girl"her mother scolded her

"mom their's no such a thing like coincidence in world I feel like she's hiding something from us anyway don't worry about it..Let's go to sleep it's already late and we have flight so good night"

"I'm sleepy Fia" and hang his hands in air so she can carry his little body,Fia Chuckled at his this gesture and hold him firmly in her arms

"your mommy will may kill me one day out of jealousy"fia said while smiling mischievously at Ashley who's looking at them with fake angry face

"Ohh mommy no need to do that you should accept that I love Fia"he said quickly as he take Sofia's joke seriously his little face showing tension like he became bankrupt

"Yeah I also think I should but what about her to be husband"she ask oliver pointing towards Kevin who even don't bother to hide his anger

"What about him he should also accept Fia love me most"oliver replied proudly looking at Kevin innocently everyone laughed at them and started moving to their rooms

"why he's so annoying"kevin said out of frustration when their's only they three brothers left

"I can understand you bro he never leave ash alone to and never let me get close to her like he own her"kyle complaint while Tyler laughed at their ugly expressions

"you two actually jealous of a baby come on guys grown up"tyler said only to earn glares from them

"you'll not understand our pain dude"they said in union making him laugh hard holding his stomach

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