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" Noah what is this behaviour, don't you have manners at all . is that what your parents taught you " a woman shouted at Noah who's not paying any attention to her but staring at the boy behind her who's of his own age

that boy is crying badly but it's not effecting him a bit and in anger he once more tried to take a step forward towards him but teacher stoped him in between and took both of them to principal office, they called both of there parents.

Leo who watched everything is worried for Noah now , he very well know why Noah beat that guy and he don't think he's wrong but now that teacher had called their parents and he know that will cause another rift between his father and his younger brother.

he sighed and sit on front banch so that he can meet his father and tell him everything before he go to principal office, atleast that will mend little bit of misunderstanding.

Kevin was hell angry when his secretary informed him that Noah's teacher wants to see him immediately as he got in yet another fight with his classmate, so here he's standing in front of school reception rather than attending a very important meeting.

he tried many times to make Noah understand that fighting and anger is not a good thing and he should take care of certain things in certain places , but that boy isn't in any mood to listen to him and he don't think he'll be anytime soon .

kevin sigh walking towards principal office thinking how time went so fast he still remember Sofia teaching him how to make baby wear dippers and now here those boys are three years old , making him run arcade.

" daddy " Leo run to him as he saw him walking towards office

"Leo ? what are you doing here ? shouldn't you be in class right now" kevin asked looking at his sensible son

" daddy i just wanted to tell you that it's not Noah's mistake today , that boy is the one who said something bad that made Noah angry." Leo hold his father's hand trying his best to make him understand that his brother is not at fault today

" Leo stop taking his side , he's getting out of hands can't he be little sensible. can't he think properly before doing things" kevin said not ready to hear anything else he take a step forward but helted listening Leo

" that boy said that we don't have mother and that she left us because we weren't good boys , he said even you don't love Noah and he's just burden on you . Noah didn't able to control and punched him , Noah's not wrong daddy please don't scold him again " Leo said quickly with watery eyes , kevin turn back to him and sit down in his level hugging him close to his heart.

" I'll handle it don't worry go to uncle Kyle he's waiting in car , I'll come with Noah soon" kevin give him a weak smile, cause doesn't matter how long it's been he still remember that scene like it happened yesterday only but as always he need to be strong for his boys .

he caressed Leo's hairs before pointing towards car , Leo went away with a little hesitation. kevin closed his eyes putting his hands on his face

' take care of our boys' he instantly opened his eyes looking around for her..only her

kevin know although Sofia was with Noah for just a little amount of time but still he's very close to his mother since birth so he can understand his ultimate reaction, how badly he's wants her to be here with them ...with him everyday.

he shake his head before taking deep breaths and standing up putting his same infamous cold look and went inside principal office after knocking.

there stands Noah still glaring at that boy not giving fuck about his surrounding, but he look beside feeling a hand on his head . Noah look up at his father who's looking back at him with so many emotions, Noah again turned back not liking the fact that they called his father.

on other hand kevin is thinking what changed his son this much while teacher is explaining everything that happened a while back, Noah wasn't same anymore that he was few months back somthing is really fishy and now he can see that looking at his son who didn't said anything on his behalf , somewhere there's a doubt that something that had changed his bubble son this much is might be related to his house only , there must had happened something that is unknown to him and he need to find it out before things get even more worse

like he don't care whatever he think about him and that hurt kevin very much, now it feel like he really failed Sofia. he didn't able to take care of their children's very well

" ENOUGH" kevin shouted not able to take anymore shit from them making everyone flinch, he look at Noah who's looking down like he's afraid of him and that's when his eyes went to his little hand which has red mark on it like someone had tightly holded  his hand and that made his blood boil

" is that why I'm investing so much in your school so that your teachers can accuse my kids the way they want? " this time kevin said low yet cold voice

" Mr Smith it's not..." kevin cut off principal in mid and look towards the lady who he's guessing is mother of that boy

" is this what you are teaching your child at home and discussing about my wife in such a way who the hell give you rights to talk about my wife like that and who the hell your son think he is to say something like that to my son , do you not know me? "

then he turned towards the teacher who's already shaking " and who the hell make you teacher when you don't have even one quality to be one , you not only let two kids fight but also hurted him . do you think you can pay even if you die for just a scratch on   my kids ,i don't want to see any of them again even near this school compund am I clear " he said last sentence looking directly at principal who nodded quickly knowing very well she can't afford offending him .

kevin bend down to inspect Noah's hand , while Noah all this while waiting for him to scold him but instead Kevin take him in his arms and walk out of office. Noah frowned wanting to tell him to put him down but looking at him he prefer to stay quiet

being Noah he asked at last " aren't you going to scold Noah "

kevin look at him before smiling and kissing his forehead lovingly" no why would I "

Noah look at his father like he's some alien , kevin put him down on backseat beside Leo and closed the door not before caressing his head, Noah touched his hairs frowning

kevin walk towards driving seat while messaging his secretary 'i want last six months camra footage of my house on my table in next 20 min ' he put his phone back in pocket before sitting on car

seeing Kyle playing with kids and putting some ornament on Noah's hand , he smiled starting the car ....


don't forget to comment i love reading them

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