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kevin walk downstair with heavy steps followed by his scared secretary who till now didn't make any noise,like he's not even present there .

they walk towards living room and the first thing they Heard was giggling he step forward to see the scene that instantly spread warmth in his heart , there Kyle was tickling Leo and Noah and they are laughing loudly telling him to stop.

that scene triggered a memory in his mind , the very first time when he tickled Noah and how cutely he was giggling at that time and Sofia stopped him from over doing it as it will tire the baby he sigh remembering how happy they're to have both of them in there life , after Sofia's incident his boys are the only thing that helped him to survive till now but despite people around him telling him that Sofia will never come back again and how he should move on now but he never believed on them ..his heart just can't believe that his Sofia isn't alive anymore, she is still alive because his heart is still beating.

a warm smile spread on his face as he walk near them Kyle noticing his presence stopped tickling them and smile in his direction.

" so Mr Kevin is not so busy now to come down here, it's fancy seeing you here at this time  " kyle smirked teasingly

"  can't i spend some time with my boys , do I need your permission for that " kevin raised his eyebrows suggestively

”now that I'm thinking about it , it's actually not a bad idea " Kyle shrugged carelessly

"yeah ofcourse taking permission from the man who can't even able to convince Oliver till date" Xavier said coming inside with his office bag followed by Staven making Kyle scowl

" saying the one who can't even propose the girl he like " Kyle smirked , Staven bite his lips from laughing but looking at his boss face he didn't able to control and laughed out loud

"aren't you having so much fun Staven , you work all day long without any break so how about i gift you a night with some top notch actresses so that they can help you relax a bit,it'll be more fun " Xavier exclaimed and that was enough to make Staven silent this time kyle started laughing looking at his helpless face

" yeah stop spoiling my boys minds " kevin said sitting on couch beside Leo with shocked Noah on his lap , Xavier look at him with a smile it's good to see them after so long

"stop struggling when you know you can't defeat me " kevin said with smirk looking down at his son who's struggling to come out of his hold , Noah frowned at his father and looked away as he's aware of the stated fact.

kevin look at his profile and cupped his little face making him look at him ,all of them look at Kevin as he's behaving weirdly, now
that they're thinking about it he really look like he's trying to control himself ....but from what?

" hey man look at me , why are you looking away from your daddy" kevin softly asked but seeing Noah's not going to reply anytime soon he stated " are you angry with daddy? did he did something wrong?tell daddy don't be silent"

Noah just shaked his head looking down at his hands kevin sighed and nodded his head

" fine then tell me something will you " Noah nodded his head lightly "tell me there used to be a photoframe of your mother in your room , where's it ? huh Noah tell me ?"

he look at his father with wide eyes and finding his father looking at him with same warmth and love that's reserve for them , that's enough to make his eyes teary and it's so painful for kevin to look at him like that but he know it's also necessary

"kevin what happened, is everything alright" Xavier asked taking a step forward to take Noah from him but kevin stopped him showing his hand , Staven's eyes fall on Kevin's secretary who look like he just want to disappear from here and he frowned at him

"Noah I'm asking something where's your mamma's photo frame " Noah's lips wobbled as he's trying to say something but before he say anything Milly walked in

"what happened Noah are you alright baby " she come forward to take him but take a step back due to fear

"don't even dare to come close to my son " kevin roard making her gulp but still his eyes are only on Noah , he look at Milly who's acting like she care about him or something and again back to his father who's eyes are encouraging him

" she ...she broked it daddy a..nd then teared's photo ... she's not good girl " Noah started sobbing hiding his face in his father's neck who immediately protactivly put his arms around him while he poured his heart out "she said you don't love Noah and mamma left Noah because he was bad boy a..nd you also will leave me if I'll distrub you, she said you only love Leo and not Noah "

he back away a little holding Kevin's face in his little hands and look at him with teary eyes tears continuously rolling down his cheeks

" Noah isn't bad boy anymore will you bring mamma back to Noah i promise I'm not going to bother her a..nd I'll be just like brother Leo will you also love me then "

a loud sob escape Kevin's mouth breaking his heart, everyone's standing shocked and angry there with the information and looking at Kevin's breaking form . Staven was first to come out of daze and calling high security to take Milly to there underground warehouse knowing well that Kevin's going to handle it himself

they look at Kevin who's crying like a baby holding Noah tightly, this is second time he's looking so broken after Sofia's departure....

And they know somewhere he's blaming himself for Noah's condition, Xavier look at him and wiped corner of his eyes, he don't know how should he handle him as he only saw a very strong Kevin and it's only second time that he's breaking down like this...


God it literally made me cry , it's enough for today

do tell me if you did felt something or i should improve myself more ....till then take care

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