she's destined to be mine

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Sofia impatiently walking around In front of Oprating room It's been an hour doctor didn't come back from that room

Her eyes turn red because of tears but not willing to cry, Kevin observing her every move sitting on chair but not able to control anymore
And walk to her, hugged her tightly rubbing her hair lightly to relax her mind

"fia he'll be fine trust me.. Nothing bad will happen to him "he said slowly with that she didn't able to stop her tears anymore from flowing, ditching his expensive tuxedo but he didn't care about it

After crying she feels little better than before while he help her to sit down on chair and order to bring a coffee for her, in whole process sofia didn't stop or say anything to him just being obedient and stare at him

After more ten minutes OT door opened and two doctors come out in white coat Discussing something, without wasting any minute sofia rushed to them

"doctor how's my grandpa "

" Miss brown old master is allergic of peanut and as he intake peanut mixed food which is why had difficulty to inhale but don't worry now his situation is stable but please next time be careful if you didn't bring him here on time I'm afraid it's not easy to... Anyway you can meet him after we shift him in VIP ward and he'll wake up in an hour or two, after checking his condition I'll tell you later about discharge" doctor told them other precautions and left but sofia was dumbfounded after hearing doctor

Kevin wave his hand in front of her "What's wrong.. Grandpa is fine now so don't worry"

"no its not that... Grandpa knows that he's allergic of peanut and he never intake it not even when we all eat it in front of him and whole family know about his allergie than.. "she was confused when her phone rang, she see id name and pick up

" Miss is old master alright now "it's her assistant

" they are shifting him in VIP ward, he's alright now please inform them too "she ordered

" Miss are you alone right now "he asked again,she knew that clearly that if it is not important thing then he'll never call her to ask about grandpa's condition

She look at Kevin in front of her who's looking at her intensely and walk to another end of corridor "Hmm what happened did you find anything"

"yes miss,it may be old master's accident have something to do with that caller because it's last location was traced by our team when phone was switched on and it's last location is in brown mansion that means that caller is one of the guest present in tonight's function "

" did you check the CCTV footage of mansion " she asked thinking who it can be

" yes but there's nothing unusual but in it there's a waiter who go to old master with madeline au truffle and its the last thing old master eat before he hospitalized but suspicious thing is that when I go to find that waiter he was nowhere to found when I asked staff about it they say no one is missing among them it means he's not waiter in actual "

" I want that waiter within two days in front of me doesn't matter you find him under land or in sky "she replied aggressively

" yes miss I get it "he said and hang up hurriedly as if she'll strangely him through phone

'madeline au truffle! Peanut! Only family members know about grandpa's favorite and allergic food is it means someone from family did that' just that single thought made her blood boil

"is everything alright "Kevin asked as soon as she approached him

" yeah "she's hesitating to tell him

" don't lie to me you are putting both families in danger if you keep that from me you can't do anything alone so please tell me if there's anything serious "Kevin know something is not right from her body language while she was talking on phone

She frowned her eyebrow not wanting to accept but he's reasonably, she take a deep breath and narrate everything happened till now" so that caller is suspected as grandpa knew about his allergy and he always avoid eating peanut on other side that caller knows his favorite dessert and knew grandpa will eat it without thinking much "

" so you mean someone from your family is helping her "Kevin asked and she nodded seriously" is there anything I can do for you "

Sofia look at him want to say something but give up" Arrange some trusted and well trained bodyguards to protect them secretly.. If you can "she said and turn around to go to grandpa's ward

" sofia didn't you said you forgave me "Kevin asked painfully he truly regrets his doing but that's also not lie that he love her just wants a chance to prove it

" I really did "without turning around she said and leave she's also hurt but don't want to repeat past that's why she always try to stay away from him

He was standing there staring at her back with self mocking smile thinking that she's the same girl who never stop speaking whenever she's around him and she's same girl now who not even want to be around him

He take a deep breath and follow her thinking he'll definitely win her trust back and will not let her leave again... Because she's destined to be mine so I'm

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