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after coming home kevin directly went to his study room leaving boys to their babysitter Milly who's a girl in her mid twenties and her overall behaviour is good according to kevin , but instead of going with his babysitter noah hold Leo's hand and went with his uncle Kyle and it's not new to see Noah behaving like that with her so no one said anything.

Kyle happily went with his nephews , Milly clutching her fist follow behind them she babysitting them just for seven months now, there previous babysitter was an old lady and she was so sweet that everyone used to love her even Noah as well but now the Noah we see is not the one who he used to be , a small little bubbly kid .

but she had to left due to her daughter-in-law's pregnancy and Milly is her sisters daughter so she suggested to hire her on Milly's demand, but despite being aware of her greedy nature she agreed with her demand not because she love her or something but because of Milly threatening her with her life ...she was also helpless

if you will stay with Milly for more than a week you'll get to know what type of mentality she carry and what she can do , if she wants to get something she simply don't care about other things she's harming or destroying and her coming here and leaving her high paid job just to babysit two kids at this age instead of doing something productive or getting married had just one intention , one thing she wants now is just kevin ....only kevin and she don't care if she have to cross any limit for that ...any limit

she saw kevin first time at a seven star hotel in Australia where she went on an outing with her boss and he was having his meal with Leo and Noah , at the first glance he captivated her  . she's not like those dumb chicks who just throw themselves on any rich guy ,nah..she did her full research on him and how his image and behaviour is and in all this she got to know that her aunt is working close to him and.... that was a golden opportunity for her which she can't let go in million years and she did succeed

" MILLY " Kyle shouted waking her up from dreamland, she look at him shocked

" yes Mr Kyle ,you need something" she asked in her oh so innocent way

" where are you lost i was calling you for so long if you are not okay then please go and rest " Kyle said rudely,he's not type of person who take advantage of money and fame to supress people but something about her just don't sit right with him and it's not like she did since she came here she's showing herself as too perfect...still he don't know why he don't like her

" so..rry it's jus.."

" don't bother, go and check if cook had prepared their food " he cut her off coldly

" sure sir" she walk out gritting her teeths, she one last time turn back hearing giggling sound and here Noah is laughing at her making her clutch her fist in furry but it didn't effected Noah even slightly.

she went away stumping her feet what made her more angry is the fact that Even after doing so many things noah is still same not even slightest fear from her only if she can punish him in much harder way than before.

but she smirked thinking she'll take care of them once she get married to kevin , talking about kevin where's he , she look around for him but when she didn't find a trace of him she went towards kitchen sighing in defeat.

here kevin sit in front of his laptop where his secretary is showing him CCTV footage from the past six months , the both are looking through them very seriously and everything is normal.

" here stop... zoom it ...yeah yeah stop " his secretary did as instructed kevin put on headphones


" WHAT DID YOU SAID " Milly shout at Noah holding him tightly by little arm making him wince in pain but still he look at her with same fearlessness that he inherited from his mother and said

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