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Sofia wake up in mid night as usual she's not feeling comfortable and wasn't able to sleep for long. She put her hand on her five months pregnant stomach which is bigger than normal five months old as she is heavily pregnant look like in her ninth month.

Which is why she not even able to bend down or walk properly, she has to hold her waist while walking normally. Her back ache when she laying down for long time and her legs pain when she walk, it's frustrating her so much.

She even stopped going to office as she doesn't want to take any risk with her baby and only wants to take care of her baby well for time being. And Kevin supported her as always

Sometimes she felt like just cry without any reason but next second she start laughing for no reason at all, she very well known its natural but still she feels sad when Kevin just handle her without even scolding her.

He proved himself to be world's best husband, he's always there for her whenever she needs him. He even work from home sometime as he don't want to leave her alone and if he had to go than he always comes back before evening.

If she felt tired, he gave her massage.

If she crave for anything, he get it for her even if it's dark out.

If she got angry or shout, he hear her out and comfort her.

Sofia turned to face Kevin who's sleeping peacefully and smiled feeling lucky to have him.

But  then suddenly she started crying loudly, Kevin wake with jolt hearing her. Kevin sit up and cupped her face wiping her tears " shh shh what happened sweetheart. Is anything panning, are you alright . Doc.. Yeah let's go to doctor"

She hugged him tightly, still sobbing " you are tired of me, right? I always behave like mad women but still you don't scold me, you don't love me right? You are changed " she look at him like baby who's crying for her snatched chocolate, Kevin helplessly smile at her

"baby what are you saying, you do know I love you more than my life. And now stop crying" he said firmly so that she should stop crying but she instead sob even louder than before making him confuse

"see now you are scolding me, I'm annoying you, right? "

"  no baby I'm not at all annoyed. It's just that I'm worried about you, my baby can never frustrate me. Do you understand " Kevin coax her like a baby and she nodded cutely

Kevin smiled brightly, it's all new for Kevin as sofia never behave like baby ever since he know her, let alone crying or getting stubborn but it would be lie if he say he's not enjoying this period of their life. Sofia is always independent and never ask or bother him with anything but now seeing her fully dependent on him, give him strange satisfaction.

"are you even listening to me? " Fia's voice brought him back to reality and he rise his eyebrows like asking her 'what did you said again' Fia sigh frustratingly and repeated" I said I want to eat creamy pasta "

" OK I'll be right back, wait here for me and don't dare to come down " he exclaimed actually due to her being this much heavier right now, he's always worried that if there's no one around her or supporting her, she may fall down. So he try his best to help her to walk or dress her up or carrying her at stairs or giving her daily massage so that she feel better and comfortable.

In 15 or 20 minutes he walk in with tray in his hands, sofia was rubbing her hand on her stomach when she saw him coming, she excitedly look at him and he smiled at her lovingly.

" Kevin come fast, baby is kicking " her voice is cracking and her eyes are shining with tears, this is first time their baby is kicking so Kevin run to her and put down the tray on nightstand.

" really!!! " He sit down in front of her, she nodded her head quickly and take his hand, putting it on the same spot where she felt baby movement. But Kevin didn't feel anything, he frown and look up in her eyes

" no, I didn't feel anything. Are you sure fia " Kevin asked softly wiping her tears

" of course I did " she again put her own hand on her stomach and instantly she again felt her baby kick for the second time but Again when she put Kevin hand instead of her she felt nothing , she laughed happily and looked at Kevin teasingly and said

" see our baby love me the most " Kevin pouted and rub her stomach in hope to feel something but when nothing happened and he about to pull his hand, he felt kick

He smiled brightly and smooth that spot " you are already too naughty my little champ!! "

" Kevin baby is hungry " sofia whined making Kevin laugh at her tactics and began feeding her,she moan happy at taste." this is very delicious "

" eat slowly " he scolded her and she nodded her head lightly but still didn't slow down,Kevin sigh and shake his head.

After eating Kevin help her lay down and massage her feet to help her sleep comfortably, sofia sleep soundly after struggling for 20 minutes. Kevin kissed her forehead and sleep holding her with smile.


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