Chapter Thirty-Eight

Magsimula sa umpisa

I rushed back to the car leaving Remi still standing on the porch and sped out. I have went everywhere I could think of trying to find her. Holly's, her cousins house, Carol's house literally everywhere and no one has seen her or talked to her. It was eight in the morning when I pulled back into the driveway heartbroken, stressed and tired. I walked in and tossed the keys to the counter and fell to the couch. I pulled my phone from my jacket pocket and checked the camera's again hoping maybe she came bye well I was gone ....nothing. I checked everything I could think of all her social media, she hasn't been on it since yesterday. I have everyone trying to find her and the baby and nothing, its as if she fell off the planet. 

I passed out on the couch from exhaustion clutching my phone in my hand. Everyone from her dad and brother to Earl and Frank trying to locate her and the baby. I just need to know that they are alright. I swear if I find her I will make it right whatever I need to do. I didn't realize what her leaving me would do to me till I seen that look in her eyes and her leave. I like to say I finally know what she felt like when I left on tour but the truth of it is, I hurt her in a way I never thought I could and she never thought I would. My entire world as I know it hangs in the balance of one bad decision.

I woke up somewhere around seven, I hear the rain beating against the windows and the dogs whimpering. I looked out the patio doors and darkness has started to set in. It took me a second to realize everything as the headache slammed into me I grabbed my head and reached for my phone. There was 101 texts from everyone saying that there wasn't any sign of her. I am becoming to lose hope. I slide from the couch and staggered to the bathroom to take a piss. I walked out opening the patio door to let the dogs out. I grabbed a cup of coffee and some Excedrin hoping to make the headache stop. The only think I want to do is try to get back to finding Ryder. 

It was nine when my phone rang, I didn't recognize the number.


"Mr. McIntyre?"


"This is Crystal with Chase card holder services...."


"Mr. McIntyre we have a transaction for $770 at the Hideaway Inn in Rhode Isle made this morning  we are trying to confirm this is you?"

Then it hit me, Ryder that had to be here. I couldn't help but smile. 

"Mr McIntyre....."

"Yes...yes that was me thank you."

I hung up quickly and rushed letting the dogs in before I threw on my sneakers and ran out the door I don't even think I armed the security system. I put the name into my GPS not even knowing where the hotel was. Only thing I know is I have to get there as fast as possible. The entire almost two hour drive felt like it took days but finally I looked over and seen "Now Entering Rhode Isle". Im so close to getting to now I just have to figure out what to do or even say. Finally when I pulled into the driveway and seen it, it honestly didn't look like the nicest place to be staying. I stepped out from the car and hit the lock on my keychain and ran in the front door quickly trying to get out of the pouring rain. I looked around and got a chill. I walked over to the front desk and no one was there, so I waited.

I was there for ten minutes finally an old man walked upfront from in back somewhere.

"Hi can I help you?"

"Hi, can you tell me if a pretty little blonde girl with a baby checked in this morning, name Ryder Reynolds....?"

I watched him go over and type in the computer, not saying anything and by this point I could hear my heart beating in my ears.

"You said Ryder Reynolds correct?"

"Yes is she here?"

"I see she is checked in...."

"Oh My God what is here room number?"

Im sorry sir, I cannot tell you, but if you like I can call her room."

My heard sunk, Im so close, then the thought accrued to me and I pulled my wallet from my back pocket. I grabbed a hundred dollar bill from it and slammed it on the counter.

"Maybe this will change your mind. Please Im desperate. She is my fiancee and that is my son and I messed up please...."

I feel a tear trickle down and he must have took pity on the pathetic mess I looked like.

"They are in room 201, upstairs last room on the left."

"Thank you, thank you so much."

I darted out the door and up the stairs down the corridor.  Finally I made it. I could see the light from the break in the curtain. I took a deep breath trying to steady my nerves, as the rain poured down on me.I raised my hand and tapped lightly on the door.

My Perfect AddictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon