Untitled Part 66

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Elder Camarillo and the other Shamans came to help Scott. Many of the men and their families were becoming ill with ague. They tried everything. The mortals were very hard to cure. Many died.

They worked night and day with the same results.

There was very few mortals that were still there after the third year. They were ones that started noticing we did not tire or looked worn out.

Shaun made a list of who would be injured or ill. Some of the mortals watched Paddy and Cory closely. Shaun decided it was time for a 'big accident'. Cory and Paddy were working with dynamite. They blew themselves up.

That night after their 'accident' the Councils held a meeting with us.

"Welcome my friends," Councilman Klaus greeted us, "we have called this meeting to inform you that we have come to a decision," he indicated the rest of the Council members, "we would like all of you to build a home for yourselves." We cheered. "Yes that is exciting. You have free choice to build anywhere you wish. Here along the rivers, in Montreal, down in the States, further West to the mountains or beyond, even if you wish to move back across the ocean" Everyone was stunned in silence.

"We understand it is an adjustment but we feel that it has become dangerous for us to live in this large of a community. The population here has noticed us far too often. We must reduce our numbers. You will still be our Guardsmen where ever you decide to live."

"We will be keeping a few squads here but that is all. Please let us know where you decide to live so that we know that we have eyes and ears all over. You have until after the next gathering to decide."

"Thank you."

The Councils bowed to us then left to their Chambers. We all walked to our quarters. Paddy and I sat in our chairs just staring into nothing. Our children joined us a few minutes later. Councilmembers Cassie and Samuel walked in an hour later. We stood and bowed to them then sat back down. They sat down with us.

"Are you that sad about leaving the cave?" Councilwoman Cassie asked.

"No, we are not. It is where do we live. I am debating about staying in the New World or going back to the Old one." Paddy told her.

"Oh," She smiled. "Do you all feel that way?"

We nodded.

The next day we walked around the cave, it was quieter that usual. Everyone was thinking of where they would like to live. After a few days everything was back to normal.

The next time I went into town I was very sad and melancholy. One of the ladies that worked with me on the Canal ask me 'if I had put colour in my hair to keep looking so young' I told her no. I do not think she believed me.

I made it a point to move slower than anyone else. I was noticed by Lt. Colonel By himself. "Mrs. Riley, are you all right?"

"Yes Sir." I whispered shyly.

"You are moving very slowly, are you not well?"

"Yes sir I am."

"Perhaps I should send you home."

"No Sir I am fine."

"Mrs. Riley, I know you have suffered a great loss. I would understand if you wish to go back home and rest for a few days."

"Days?" I said. I was shocked. "Are you letting me go?"

"No. No Mrs. Riley. I have sent others home when they have lost a loved one." He smiled. "So my dear lady, go back home I will see you in three days."

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