Untitled Part 60

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Elder Camarillo was amazed by the results. Next he tried a mixed blood, it was hard for the tracker to pinpoint their location even when there was more then one mixed blood.

He looked up to see who were the mixed bloods. They were Council members Cassie and Samuel. One was a vampire/shifter the other was a werewolf/ vampire. Elder Camarillo cleaned the tracker and placed a drop of vampire blood on it.

Councilwoman Cassie could only be detected at three hundred feet and if there was a tree in front of her. The device lost her when Councilman Samuel was with her. The device picked them up at three hundred and fifty feet.

At the end of each experiment he had the subject walk into the cave. The device could not detect anything inside the cave even when he stood at the entrance because the walkway wound back and forth. The Elder realised it needed a direct line of sight.

We gathered in front of the Councils to hear their findings.

The scientists explained the distances then they told them about the trees and the cave. "You mean to tell me it does not work if we are inside something."

"Yes Klaus that is what I am saying."

"This is excellent when we gather next summer we will be able to inform our people."

"Yes Sir." Elder Camarillo smiled.

"Finally something good." Councilman Klaus nodded. "We are safe in our home." Councilman Klaus smiled at everyone.

This was good news we were worried that someone could walk in and destroy us.

A few days later during the full moon Victoria May started a high fever and was sent to her bed. The rest of the women in the cave took over the cooking while Katey looked after her daughter.

Benjamin, Curtis, Hugo, Councilwoman Gillian and Tessa waited near the Messners' quarters. It was not long before they heard Victoria May howling in her room.

"There she is." Benjamin said proudly.

We heard her sniffing along the door. Benjamin opened it. Victoria May stood there. She was a beautiful blonde wolf. "Hey Vicky you want to go for a run?" Her brother asked. She whined moving closer to him. "Come on Papa is waiting for us outside." Seconds later six werewolves were running out of the cave.

Katey walked out of quarters crying.

"Katey what is wrong?" I asked.

"She was in so much pain when she transformed."

"That is to be expected Katey. It is very painful when we shift the first few times." Paddy told her.

"Only the first few times?" She sniffed.

"Yes Katey. Benjamin does not have any pain."

"No he does not." Katey wiped her tears away. "My baby is all grown up." She smiled through her tears.

"I am going to make some stew for her." She walked down to the kitchen.

"Cooking for her is the best thing." Paddy said.

"Yes it is."

Paddy put his arm around me them we went to our quarter's. We laid down in our bed just holding each other. "We have not done this in a long time." Paddy said softly.

"I know. I did not know how much I missed it until now." We held each other tightly until our children came in. Pearl was all excited about Victoria May's transformation.

"Was she not beautiful John?" Pearl sighed.

"Yes she was."

We could hear them in the common room. "Too bad she killed that man with the rifle." Pearl said sadly.

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