Untitled Part 16

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"Yes Papa."

Everyone went to their beds.

The next morning Paddy had a high fever. He had chills and was sweating.

He had that strange smell coming from him. "Kylie I do not understand," he said hoarsely, "I have never been ill."

"I know." I whispered. I was of course very worried.

Missy came running in. "Grandpa. Grandma. Papa sick." She cried.

I went to see her in the common room. "Papa sick Grandma. He feels very hot but is very cold." She shrived.

"So is Grandpa.'

"Grandpa sick too." I nodded.

I knocked on John's door. "John are you all right?"

"Mom." His voice sounded the same as Paddy's. I opened the door I was hit with the same strange smell. "Eww!" Missy said behind me.

"You can smell that Missy?"

"Yes Grandma I do. Bad smell."

"Does Papa smell like that too?"

"Yes Grandma." She started to cry again.

"Come on Missy. Let us bring Papa here so we can take care of them together."

"All right. Grandma." We ran back to their quarters.

"Hey Mom. I do not feel too good." Quinn said hoarsely.

"I know your father and brother are the same way."

"What?!" He said shocked.

"I am going to bring to my quarters Missy and I are going to take care of all of you there." I told him.

"All right Mom." He tried to sit up but he was too weak. I picked him up and carried him to his old bed in John's room. Missy had opened all the doors for me.

After we settled Quinn in I walked back into the common room to find Councilman Samuel waiting for me.

"Cassie has taken ill." He said worriedly.

"So has Paddy, Quinn and John."

"What could have made them so ill so fast?" He asked.

"I do not know but they all have the same sweet sickly smell." I told them.

"The one you smelled last night?"


"I did not smell anything from Cassie."

"You will smell it if you go into John's room." I pointed towards John's room. The Councilman walked in then quickly walked out. He looked at me. "I will go and check on Cassie."

"All right."

I went into the kitchen and gave them all a cool cloth for their foreheads. Missy stayed with Quinn and John. I went to check on Paddy. He was mumbling in his sleep. "Kylie do not leave me. I miss you." I put the cloth on his forehead and his eyes sprang open. "Kylie you are here."

He held me tight. "I miss you. Do not go back into the ground again." He started to cry. "I need you with me. I can not survive without you."

"I am not going anywhere." I whispered to him then rocked him back to sleep.

Councilman Samuel was in the common room again. "She has the same scent. I smelled it as soon as I walked in."

"Would you feel better if she was here with us Councilman Samuel?" I asked.

"Yes I would."

"Good. I will set up a bed for her."

He ran out the door. I made up the old cot for her. Councilman Samuel walked in with her just as I was finishing. "Put her here." He laid her down onto the cot.

"Momma I feel so achy. What is wrong with me?" She said hoarsely.

"I do not know Cassie. You are all ill." I brushed back her hair.

"All of us?"


"Councilman Samuel can you check on the rest of the Rileys Please?" I asked.

"Yes of course."

He left. I put a cool cloth on Cassie.

The Councilman returned with Colleen and Shaun. I had the doors closed to the bedrooms. "What has happened Kylie?" Shaun asked very concerned.

"Paddy, Quinn, John and Cassie have all taken ill." I told them.

"All of them?" Colleen asked shocked.

"Yes Colleen." She headed for the bedroom door and opened it. She ran to Paddy's side. "Oh my poor son, none of you have ever been ill."

"I do not know what happened I was fine last night." Paddy said hoarsely.

"Me too." Cassie said from the cot.

Colleen spun around. "Councilwoman Cassie you are here." Bowing to her.

"Yes Grandma I am."

"And they all have a strange sweet sickly scent?" I told her.

"What smell? I do not smell anything." Colleen sniffed.

"Is it the same one you smelled last night Love?" Paddy asked.


Councilman Samuel walked in. "You can not smell it? It is very strong in here and in the other bedroom."

"No Sir. I do not smell anything." Colleen looked embarrassed. She turned back to me. "What can I do to help?"

"Nothing if you can not smell it."

"What do you mean?" She looked hurt.

"They could not smell it last night." I pointed towards my family.

"You mean we might be ill now." Shaun said.

"Yes I am afraid so." I listened to Paddy and Cassie's laboured breathing. I was trying to think of what might help them. "Shaun can you send someone for Scott?"

"Yes of course."

"I will stay until I can not help anymore." Colleen whispered.

"Do you think that is wise?" Shaun asked.

"It is better than waiting and doing nothing."

"Yes you are right." He kissed the top of her head then left to send someone for Scott.

We gave our patients more cool cloths.

Shaun returned with Scott and Elder Camarillo.

"The smell!" I heard Scott say.

"What smell?" Elder Camarillo asked.

"You can not smell it. Lucky you."

Scott quickly checked the four of them. "It seems they all have a combination of pneumonia, measles and variety of other illnesses that plague mortals."

The Elder gasped. "What they have is Shifter's disease." Elder Camarillo said.

"What!?" Scott exclaimed.

"It is an illness that can kill us." Elder Camarillo whispered but we all heard him. I held Paddy tightly. He tried to hold me too. I heard Missy and Colleen crying in the common room. Councilman Samuel was howling behind me.

"What causes it?" Scott asked the Elder.

"No one knows. You say there is a smell?"

"Yes Camarillo. It is a sweet sickly scent with a hint of death."

"I have never smelled anything like that."

"Do you know any of the treatments for this Shifter's disease?"

"There is a few to relieve the pain but there is no cure." Elder Camarillo said sadly.

The Guard- Enforcement- part 5Where stories live. Discover now