Untitled Part 29

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 "We have not fed." She indicated her and the rest of her Council.

"We had food brought in Mientjie." Councilman Klaus sighed.

"You mean those animals?" She said disgusted.

"Yes Mientjie. It was the fastest and easiest way to feed everyone." He turned to the crowd. "Is there any left?"

Someone from the back of the crowd yelled. "Yes Sir. A bison."

Councilman Klaus looked at the South African Council. They stared back. He shook his head. "Go and feed. Everyone else went to their food. You do the same." Councilwoman Cleo whispered to them.

"But we are not ..." Madam Mayer started then stopped Councilwoman Cleo held up a finger. "Go now."

"Let us go Mientjie." Councilman Jon urged.

They ran to the bison. They were back a few minutes later.

"All right now everyone is registered. We will hold a vote to pass a few laws. The first one is concerning the making of vampires by the look of this gathering. It looks like an explosion of vampires. From now on you will have to ask permission to make a new vampire." A lot of them were in agreement they were nodding. "So if you want to make someone a vampire you must submit a request to your Council." He pointed to the South African Council.

Shannon, who had come in with the second group, was whispering to Shaun. "I need to speak with Councilman Klaus before he continues."

Shaun walked up in front of the Councilman and signed that Shannon needed to speak with him.

He beckoned her over. She did not say anything just showed him a piece of paper.

He shook his head. "Thank you Shannon."

"Sir?" One of the vampires in the crowd called.

"Yes young man."

"Why are you not our Council?"

"This is not our territory."

"But you have better control than they do."

"Yes I know."

"Hey Rudy be quiet." Someone from the back said.

"I am just asking a question Freddy."

"All right. Let us calm down." Councilman Klaus said. "I have a question for all of you. How many vampires have each of you made?" The crowd looked at each other. "I want a show of hands." No one raised their hand.


Councilman Klaus signalled us to surround the South African Council. "What is the meaning of this Klaus?" Madam Mayer demanded.

"You had us come down here on false information. It is not your people making vampires uncontrollably. It is the six of you." Councilman Klaus was very angry. "You have made all these vampires."

"Klaus understand we needed to make an Army to protect ourselves." Madam Mayer pleaded.

"You turned eight thousand mortals into vampires because you needed protection. Protection from what?"

"We have had other Armies try to take over."

"Really? When was the last invasion?" He pointed to Madam Mayer. "Do not answer."

"Felicia! When was the last invasion?" The Councilman called to her.

"Not in my thousand years Sir."

"Thank you."

"Eight thousand people when you only needed an army of five hundred. What a waste of human life." He started to pace. This was not a good sign. "There are not enough mortals in all of South Africa to feed eight thousand vampires. They will be all dead from blood loss in a month." Everyone gasped.

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