Untitled Part 27

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"Oh?" She smiled.

We walked over to our Council members. Madam Mayer was right behind us.

"What do you want from her Klaus? She is nothing but trouble."

"Really? How much trouble can she be?" Councilman Klaus asked.

"Plenty. Always asking questions about silly things." Madam Mayer said.

"Really?" He repeated. "What kind of questions do you ask young one?"

"Now Klaus. She is nothing but trouble I told you. Her and the rest of her lot."

"I will be the judge of that Mientjie." He turned back to the young lady. "Now ask me a question?"

"I had asked that gentleman over there," she nodded towards Shaun. "Where is everyone?" She said quietly.

"That is a very good question. I would like to know that too. You seem like obedient people."

"Yes Sir. We have come to all the gatherings. We have now for the last five hundred years."

"That is good."

"Thank you Sir. We try very hard obeying all the laws."

"That is very good." He smiled his grandfatherly smile. "Now asked me another question?"

"All right. You are from outside South Africa how do you handle a non-compliant vampire?"

"We send in some guards to investigate then we, if necessary, we bring them in to stand trial." The Councilman told her.

"How interesting? You do not go and join their parties?"

"No." Councilman Klaus said sternly.

"Where is your territory?"

"Everything outside South Africa."

"You are the ones." Felicia said nervously.

"We are the ones. What?"

"We have all been told that you are mean and ruthless in your handling of non-compliant vampires." She whispered.

"Who told you that?" The Councilman whispered.

Felicia glanced at Madam Mayer.

Councilman Klaus smiled warmly. "They are the reason Cleo and I left South Africa. They treated everyone with contempt."

"Is that why you left? I always wondered." Councilman Jon asked.

"Yes Jon that is exactly why."

"Sir how do we become part of your territory?" Felicia asked.

"Well all you have to do is move outside of South Africa."

"That is all."

"Once you find a place to live you must come to our home and be put into our registry."

"You have a registry?"

"Yes Felicia we do. It is how we know we must be very careful about how many vampires are being made."

"How do you do that?"

"They ask permission first and if it is granted they can make a vampire. We only allow a certain amount every century."

"That is a wonderful idea." Felicia said excitedly. The rest of her friends clapped. She smiled. "They agree too."

"That is the reason we were trying to have a gathering to tell everyone?" Madam Mayer said.

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